Saturday, November 01, 2008

Craziness! This is my life.

It's overall good insanity but I am just tired all the time. (that is probably b/c of the random 'iron-deficiency anemia' that I have now [happy 39th b-day] @@ I have never had low iron, even when I was pregnant - ugh!) I have tons of pictures to share from Amanda's birthday, apple picking, Halloween and such but no time to get it all uploaded and organized. For the record, the kids were a farm-girl (sorta); a skeleton; Supergirl; and a Linja. That's not a typo-- Ian insisted he was a linja although he looked like a ninja.

In sports news, Sean's team finished 8-0 so they have a bye for the 1st round of playoffs this weekend. WOOT! He also is starting basketball in a couple of weeks. He has never played before, but is really excited to play. At this point, he doesn't want to play baseball. (I'm tellin' ya -- being screwed all summer during All Star ball ruined it for him)

I'm terribly behind on my TV watching so no real editorials from me other than I'm glad to see that Ace is gone. I can't seem to stay awake long enough to get through one TV show.

And, last but not least, Tuesday cannot come quick enough for me. I'm not a huge fan of politics to start with but this election has driven me over the edge. My phone won't stop ringing with random recorded messages; my mailbox is FULL of retoric daily; and there are even people out on street corners rallying around issues and candidates. The messages and mail are par for the course, but I don't ever remember all the other madness surrounding elections. Maybe my head was buried in the sand before.

As a small business owner 'family' we are very anxious about what is to come in the very near future. Although at the moment my immediate future involves going to straighten up the Halloween chaos (and stealing some chocolate, of course) before I fall into bed.

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