Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time flies when you are having fun, I guess. Over the last few weeks, I've thought about posting on here about random assorted things but never got around to it. My poor blog. Let's see we've celebrated Ian's 5th birthday

traveled to Hanford (cow town in the middle of no-where-ville) for a basketball tournament

had a relaxing Spring Break

and celebrated Easter

Toss in LOTS of baseball games and co-chairing the Talent Show for me and it adds up to one busy life. It's all good!

And speaking of time getting away from is my niece's 16th birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH! How'd you get so old so fast?


Kim said...

Thank you for the update, we've been waiting with baited breath. !

Nicole said...

YOu are the best co-chair ever!!