Saturday, July 18, 2009

On a Friday in March of 2004, I was having my 4th child. My last baby. Our family caboose. We didn't know if the baby was a boy or a girl; we had names ready. Ian James Hall was born on his Great-Great Grandfather James Pearson's birthday. I spent Saturday lovin' on my newborn while Collin was busy at home teaching the kids to ride bikes w/o training wheels. That was a big weekend for us!

What an amazing little guy Ian has been. We are truly trying to enjoy everything that he brings (even though he can sometimes BRING a lot of craziness) and celebrate the little bittersweet things as they come. First it came in the form of weaning from breastfeeding; then taking down the crib; no more diapers (phew!); being rid of the high chair; and then, before we knew it, it was time to take off the training wheels for him.

Here he is in November 2008. So proud! Santa brought him a bigger bike that he loves just as much. Another bittersweet moment.

And then, just today, he mastered tying his shoes.
You know -- I didn't cry when the older three went to kindergarten, but lately I'm thinking a pound of bittersweet chocolate won't be enough to keep me from crying in September.


Heather said...

I am commenting! I don't have you on my google reader, so I am adding you today! Ian is so cute. It always amazes me how fast they grow up!

Nicole said...

Maybe we need to go to breakfast that morning because otherwise you will be in a deep depression!