Friday, August 21, 2009

There is no doubt that raising children is challenging (especially when you have a million; wait, sometimes it feels like a million, it's really only four!). It's like a constant rollercoaster of emotions and I don't get to get off. Unlike my niece when she was 3 on the kid's coaster.....the operator stops it after one time to see if anyone wanted off.........she promptly replied 'just one time b/c I'm just a little girl.' I know that sometimes I wish I could get off this coaster.

BUT, in the meantime, there is much to learn from my children. Sean shows me daily what it means to be brave as he goes up against kids 25 pounds heavier in football; and he pummels them. Just this morning, Amanda taught me a how to be calm and patient. Two things I'm STILL learning. She gets nose bleeds every once in a while mostly associated with dry weather, but sometimes out of the blue. I think her last one was while we were on the ski-lift in the mountains; that was a panic point for me yet she remained calm taking it all in stride. This morning, she got a doozy of a was bad.....changing the tissue every 15 seconds/all over her cheeks & little hands/dripping on her clothes. I was starting to get mildly freaked out b/c it wasn't stopping after a few minutes and it was flowing!! How did she react? She just sat there asking for help with switching tissues quickly while I held ice on her face. I was trying to wipe her face and saying 'I'm sorry if it's all over; we'll get you cleaned up when it stops. I know it's uncomfortable.' She just chimes in with "it's OK, I'm used to it remember." Wow, she's so amazing. Every child is different and I can promise you Maggie wouldn't have this reaction, lol!

Little Miss Amanda ---my independent, smart, funny, stubborn, beautiful, petite, tom-girl. I love that kid!

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