Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's been three weeks.........three long weeks since I've heard my sweet daughter's precious voice. I lie here tonight snuggling next to her trying to quiet her restlessness and just be in the moment with her; trying to ease her confusion and frustration as to what happened to her. Does she truly understand? How can she; I still don't. I cry silent, hot tears lying next to her. What is she thinking? I wish I knew. I wish I knew how to reach into her fragile body and turn her voice back on, push the ON button for swallowing, and give her the strength to control her body without the aid of a walker.

She HAS come so far in these three weeks and for that I AM THANKFUL. I am thankful that she is a fighter with an independent spirit. I am thankful that she is making small improvements daily. I am thankful that she still works hard when her little body shakes with ataxia and is telling her to be done. I am thankful THAT SHE IS HERE!

And I am thankful for everyone of you out there who is sending prayers and well wishes to Amanda and our entire family. That is just the start of what I am thankful for. For years everyone has made fun of me for crying when I say what I am thankful for when we say grace before our Thanksgiving feast, well this year I will be crying again so pass me a tissue and tell me what YOU are thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!


The Foil Hat said...

Joy, I am grateful that Amanda has YOU as her mom! You guys have been through the wringer and I know I get weepy just thinking about all you've been through and all that's ahead of you. But, it's ok to cry and wonder and even be angry. Just know, like I know that Amanda has the perfect mom for her.

There are so many of us here for you on your good days and when you're down.

I'm going to link your blog and put your post on my blog because I've had so many people emailing to see how you guys are doing.

If there is ANYTHING you need, please let us know - prayers help, but if there is more we can do, I know how stuff like this can strain a family, please let me or someone know and you'll have all the support you need.

Giving thanks that things are improving. Love you Joy!

The Foil Hat said...

Ugh ... no editing comments. "Just know that 'your' Amanda will be back!"

CrazyMouth said...

I love you- stop making me cry! She looked so much better today!!! I saw a huge difference even since Monday!

Joy H said...

Thanks Amy!

Thanks Kai, but could you please introduce yourself....I apologize for not knowing who you are.

Anonymous said...

My darling Friend.... I'm crying right by your side. There isn't an hour that goes by Amanda isn't thought of by me, my family and friends. To see the incredible progress your little spitfire makes me so happy.

You are an amazing Mom. If there's anything I can do to help lighten your load just say the word.

Love you Joy.

P.S. I did give Brendan a head lock for you..... Well, I tried at least. He's an animal! lol


