She's working hard at learning to use her mouth again. Still waiting on a smile and sound as well.

Core balance (gee, maybe I should be working right beside her!)
Working hard in the stylin' thera-togs suit

Bean bag toss and getting a workout

You've come a long way baby! Mommy is so proud of you.
How encouraging! She's got that Hall Family Fightin her!!
I know she is going to make a full recovery and Cade can't wait to run around with Loonie again soon. She is so blessed to have you as her Mom, Joy...
Mommy is not the only one that is proud of her. Her biggest fans are in AZ rooting for her like crazy! Prayers are still coming from every corner of the US and then some.
Joy, I'm so happy to see the progress Mannie has made! We are all so proud of her and YOU! Love you!
Julie S.
Hi Joy, I'm so sorry I haven't written to you yet but Nicole has been updating me on how Amanda (and you) is doing. Please know that we've been praying for her and are so thrilled with her progress! You are so amazing and strong. She is one lucky girl to have you for her mommy! See you guys soon!
ps-did you hear that we're moving back to CA?
Your sweet girl has been in my heart since I read your post in late October. This post sounds very encouraging. How is she doing now? And how are YOU doing?
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