Monday, December 28, 2009

Why wait for spring cleaning? Join me in my insane adventures. (if I didn't know better I'd think I was pregnant and nesting big time, I'm N.O.T.!!!)

It all started the day after Christmas. I had to shuffle some old toys out of the way to have a place for the new ones (in hopes that the boys would actually put them where they belong -- hey, a girl can dream). And it's been all If You Give A Mouse A Cookie style cleaning since then. I wound up completely gutting the boys' room; then my bathroom; then the hallway bathroom; then I vacuumed all upstairs; then I de-funked and prepped the fish tank for more fish; then I started Maggie's room (note: started, b/c it's going to take a while).......tomorrow is more for Maggie, the family room, and the downstairs floors.

What is wrong with me???? Normally, if I keep up laundry and dishes I count my blessings.

It DOES feel great to be getting all of this done. My plan is to conquer closets too before I run out of steam. Like I said, A GIRL CAN DREAM.

1 comment:

The Amazing Trips said...

You are so funny. I remember you left that "If You Give A Mouse a Cookie" cleaning analogy on my blog once, and I refer to it ALL THE TIME.

Well, if I do THIS. I have to do THIS. Which leads to THIS. Which inevitably leads to THIS. Which leads to the biggest disaster and subsequent PURGE you can imagine. But oh dear God it feels SO GOOD!!!