Monday, May 17, 2010

I really need to stop it with the 'what a difference 24hrs. makes' style posts. Remember this-- Well, here it is only appropriate once again.
On Saturday, 5/15, Amanda made her First Holy Communion. She was just beautiful (even though she wasn't thrilled to have to wear a dress). We were so proud of her. After her evening Mass, some friends joined us at Dave & Buster's for dinner and arcade play. It was fun and a great way to celebrate Amanda's day.

Fast forward 24 hrs. ............after a fall down stairs at the the local high school during the Junior Games (kids' track meet), she was once again in the ER.
Two broken bones in her lower left arm ......nasty (can you see the warp?)

She was a champion patient. After sedation to set the bones we headed home with a splint. Hopefully she'll get a cast next week after confirmation that the swelling has gone down and it is healing well.

Aside from not being comfortable when she sleeps, she is handling it well. Never a dull moment.


Nicole said...

The warped arm looks nasty!

Unknown said...

yes, she is indeed beautiful!!! The arm?--not so beautiful....
Best part of that post is her expression in the last family shot. Classic.