Sunday, May 09, 2010

As the days roll by, I find myself measuring time in small increments all starting at Halloween 2009; I guess you could call it Tumor Time. I don't know. It's strange. There are so many things in life that are measured or recorded as milestones and people often refer to them on a regular basis. For example, dating "we've been dating six months" and then marriage "we've been married six months" and ESPECIALLY when you have children....."the baby is six days, six weeks, six months old".

And sometimes it seems surreal when you measure other things; like the fact that my Dad has been gone for almost 21 years. Longer than he was in my life.

I tend to think of this new 'tumor time' much like most people would a major life-changing occurence. I hear people all the time mention that they are 'five years sober' or 'two years cancer free'. It is a BIG DEAL! And the fact that six months ago, Amanda couldn't talk, walk, or swallow is nothing short of amazing. So today we are celebrating six months post-tumor for Amanda and all of the changes it has brought to our home. Six months that has made me appreciate being a Mom even more. Happy Mother's Day to me and all the amazing Moms out there!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I was so proud of her auditioning her last night- to think what things were like just last December. A miracle!