END of the road.......our journey comes to a close --
On Tuesday, we hit the movies with the Caludas. Toy Story 3 --- go see it. Entertaining, funny, and touching all wrapped in one. Then we headed to Bud's Broiler; YUMMY FOOD once again. (although my kids didn't really like it, the heathens) If you ever get a chance to visit one, get a #4 with sauce :)
We returned to my brother's house and I got ready for an evening out with friends from high school. We went to a place called Corks n' Canvas where you paint while you enjoy appetizers and wine. Yes, I said paint. Me. The non-artistic one. It was a blast!!!!! Such good company and fun to catch up with old friends. My painting turned out pretty good. I think Collin & Ron need to add this service to the wine bar on Sunday afternoons.
Then, it was our last day....sob! I retrieved Sean from the Caludas even though he wants them to adopt him. Then we hit the Black & Gold Store.....or should I say, SAINTS FAN HEAVEN. THANK YOU Grandma Hall for the vacation money which helped off-set the cost of their goodies. It's a good thing we live so far away from this store (I know they have a web-site, but I'm not telling that info. to the kids). Then we headed to my Mom's for some Popeyes and a little family time before heading to the airport. We spent some time playing outside together and enjoying some watermelon.
Then, cue homesickness. We headed to the airport. Landed smoothly at LAX. And immediately felt the rat race of SoCal. The weather is the happy ending.
(pictures updated on facebook)
A blog about anything & everything; mostly about my adventures of motherhood and my family.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day Five & Six--
A quiet morning (if you want to call it that with eight kids in the house) at my brother's house. We attended a b-day party with them and the kids had fun. After enjoying another afternoon thunderstorm we made our way across the Causeway to the Northshore......Mandeville to be exact. And then it was adventures in BOY-LAND. Boys everywhere -- Kathlynn's four, my two, and lots of assorted neighbors. How does the old saying go? "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt"......well, that someone would be Ian. He took a baseball bat to the head; scared the bejeeebers out of us, but he was just fine. With a nasty mark on his forehead. My homesick meter went up a few notches when I got to see the AMAZING homes in the area and the neighborhoods with tons of kids, no fences, and pick-up games galore. Just how it should be. Add in some sweat and a few bugs. Popeyes for dinner was the icing on the cake.
Sunday was more of the same but even better. Woke up to the kids sharing some Beatles RockBand. Add in some home cookin'--BLTs for lunch and Joe's awesome grilled burgers for dinner. Loads of soccer for the boys; Sean was even so busy he skipped dinner. Yes, skipped dinner. Maggie savored every moment at the piano that she could; we REALLY need to get her lessons; she is such a natural. After dinner we took the kids for a quick dip in the pool and then shared watermelon by moonlight.
Can you say perfect summer days! (except for Ian's sore head)
(side note: Sean has asked to move to New Orleans; he said he didn't even mind the humidity!)
A quiet morning (if you want to call it that with eight kids in the house) at my brother's house. We attended a b-day party with them and the kids had fun. After enjoying another afternoon thunderstorm we made our way across the Causeway to the Northshore......Mandeville to be exact. And then it was adventures in BOY-LAND. Boys everywhere -- Kathlynn's four, my two, and lots of assorted neighbors. How does the old saying go? "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt"......well, that someone would be Ian. He took a baseball bat to the head; scared the bejeeebers out of us, but he was just fine. With a nasty mark on his forehead. My homesick meter went up a few notches when I got to see the AMAZING homes in the area and the neighborhoods with tons of kids, no fences, and pick-up games galore. Just how it should be. Add in some sweat and a few bugs. Popeyes for dinner was the icing on the cake.
Sunday was more of the same but even better. Woke up to the kids sharing some Beatles RockBand. Add in some home cookin'--BLTs for lunch and Joe's awesome grilled burgers for dinner. Loads of soccer for the boys; Sean was even so busy he skipped dinner. Yes, skipped dinner. Maggie savored every moment at the piano that she could; we REALLY need to get her lessons; she is such a natural. After dinner we took the kids for a quick dip in the pool and then shared watermelon by moonlight.
Can you say perfect summer days! (except for Ian's sore head)
(side note: Sean has asked to move to New Orleans; he said he didn't even mind the humidity!)
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Day Four - Part Deaux --
So we arrived at my brother's Sat. evening. My Mom was there and she was able to enjoy seeing all eight grandkids together for the first time. A little crazy, but mostly just plain fun. We got take out from R&O's; heaven on wrapped in white paper, I tell ya........R&O's special = roast beef, ham and swiss, DRESSED, lot's o' gravy. I was just a tad happy. It wasn't ALL about the food, but it was certainly a highlight.
Seeing the cousins together and spending time as a family was really nice. My brother and sister-in-law are so welcoming. That's not easy when you are adding four kids to their four -- kids ages 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2. So taking a picture was a little crazy.
See, the pictures on facebook b/c blogger is still being a PAIN.
So we arrived at my brother's Sat. evening. My Mom was there and she was able to enjoy seeing all eight grandkids together for the first time. A little crazy, but mostly just plain fun. We got take out from R&O's; heaven on wrapped in white paper, I tell ya........R&O's special = roast beef, ham and swiss, DRESSED, lot's o' gravy. I was just a tad happy. It wasn't ALL about the food, but it was certainly a highlight.
Seeing the cousins together and spending time as a family was really nice. My brother and sister-in-law are so welcoming. That's not easy when you are adding four kids to their four -- kids ages 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2. So taking a picture was a little crazy.
See, the pictures on facebook b/c blogger is still being a PAIN.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Where was I? Oh, yeah -- Day FOUR, Part One
Cajun country continued -- we headed to Vermillionville near Lafayette, LA. It is a cultural center celebrating southern Louisiana history. It has quiant little buildings showing us what life was like many years ago from the kitchen to the schoolhouse to the church and more. (For all you CA folk, it's like doing a field trip about the gold rush.) We meandered the grounds and mid-way through a spectacular thunderstrom blew in. It was fantastic; complete with pouring rain ("it's raining side-ways") and loud, booming thunder. The kids didn't care. The water was warm and perfect to run in; jump in puddles; and try to catch a raindrop or two. My kids sampled fresh figs right off the tree and we were treated to an old-fashioned Cajun Jam on the way out. Lots of toe tappin' and hand clappin'; we absolutely loved it. Completely soaked, we headed to lunch at Prejean's (pronounced Pray-zhon) for the BEST LUNCH EVER. Sean tasted fried frog's legs and fried alligator; loved it! I had crawfish etoufee and a crawfish pie; holy cow, SO GOOD!
On the road again, Saturday afternoon we bid a fond farewell to the Poynot family and headed back to Metairie to visit my brother and his family. More cousin time. Day Four, part two to come soon.
(sorry Blogger isn't letting me add, yet again, GRRRR!) Check the Facebook album for pics ;)
Cajun country continued -- we headed to Vermillionville near Lafayette, LA. It is a cultural center celebrating southern Louisiana history. It has quiant little buildings showing us what life was like many years ago from the kitchen to the schoolhouse to the church and more. (For all you CA folk, it's like doing a field trip about the gold rush.) We meandered the grounds and mid-way through a spectacular thunderstrom blew in. It was fantastic; complete with pouring rain ("it's raining side-ways") and loud, booming thunder. The kids didn't care. The water was warm and perfect to run in; jump in puddles; and try to catch a raindrop or two. My kids sampled fresh figs right off the tree and we were treated to an old-fashioned Cajun Jam on the way out. Lots of toe tappin' and hand clappin'; we absolutely loved it. Completely soaked, we headed to lunch at Prejean's (pronounced Pray-zhon) for the BEST LUNCH EVER. Sean tasted fried frog's legs and fried alligator; loved it! I had crawfish etoufee and a crawfish pie; holy cow, SO GOOD!
On the road again, Saturday afternoon we bid a fond farewell to the Poynot family and headed back to Metairie to visit my brother and his family. More cousin time. Day Four, part two to come soon.
(sorry Blogger isn't letting me add, yet again, GRRRR!) Check the Facebook album for pics ;)
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Saturday, July 17, 2010

What does it mean to you?
For me,
it's days at the beach and never-ending beach towel laundry.
it's beautiful summer fruit ESPECIALLY watermelon.
it's thinking about everything I eat b/c I have to fit into a bathing suit.
it's sleeping in and lazy mornings except for the much anticipated week of VBS.
it's finally de-cluttering random baskets, papers, mail, and such......even though it means passing the Disney videos to the Goodwill box.
it's washing cars in the evening so we can cool off and have water fights.
it's having a crazy expensive electric bill and a constantly running a/c.
it's Angels baseball, the Tour de France, and Irvine Chargers football (eight more days 'til it starts)!
What does summer mean to you...........
Thursday, July 15, 2010

I think this cat is looking at me (but I only wear crocs for yard work) It's been a STUPID day ---well if you want to call it that. It's just that awful first day back from vacation. I don't have mounds of laundry; it's just the slap-in-the-face of reality in general. House needed to be cleaned; kids arguing over the Wii; I'm incredibly homesick for NOLA; Ian broke my painting frame; and then the container of freshly-made sweet tea decided to unload in my fridge and fill the door shelves and every other nook and crannie. Like I said a stooooopid day.
I'll get back to more daily pics. of our trip soon, but seeing the photos will likely just make me more homesick. So for now, I'm going to bed and hoping for a less stupid day tomorrow.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Day THREE -- Bayou Babes!
We arrived in Broussard Thursday evening so on Friday we had tons of time to just visit and FINALLY (as Mia says) be there at the Poynots' home. And what a fun time. Amanda and Mia are attached at the hip; we think they have the same brain b/c if Mia says 'hot cocoa' then Amanda must have 'hot cocoa'. etc., etc. It's really fantastic to see their bond --- they are pen pals and just adore each other.
Then there is TEAM TROUBLE aka Sean and Matthew. Both 10 yrs. old, goof balls, and sports fantatics. Sean was beyond thrilled to be introduced to air soft guns. They are basically so funny together b/c they are what you imagine to be 'typical little boys'....laughing, playing, and wrestling every minute. (and they eat a lot too!)
Here is my AMAZING, beautiful, talented and loving friend Kelda. She gave Maggie another quick lesson in knitting; now Maggie is really rolling on a scarf (or something) and she can even make basic corrections. Kelda's home-schooling store is incredible; she cooks & bakes from scratch; and she has the patience of a saint. I want to be her when I grow up.
Our fish fry was the PERFECT dinner before our evening swamp tour. Right in Breaux Bridge (pronounced bro-bridge for all you non-Cajun folk) we took off for an evening on the water --- tupelo and cypress trees, spanish moss, egrets, ibis, frogs and even a few gators. The sights and sounds of sunset in the swamp was breathtaking. I was so happy that my kids got to experience something that is so different from the SoCal way of life.
Sean had quite the keen eye and spied this 2yr. old gator that had just caught a fish next to our boat. Our guide did a little fake bait thing to get him moving; boy was it fast!
We arrived in Broussard Thursday evening so on Friday we had tons of time to just visit and FINALLY (as Mia says) be there at the Poynots' home. And what a fun time. Amanda and Mia are attached at the hip; we think they have the same brain b/c if Mia says 'hot cocoa' then Amanda must have 'hot cocoa'. etc., etc. It's really fantastic to see their bond --- they are pen pals and just adore each other.

Friday, July 09, 2010
Day Two -- It's COUSIN time!!!!!!
Did I mention it's HOT.....like sweat dripping down the back of your legs while you are sitting in the shade. Oh, sorry, too much information. I'll move on to the pictures.
the three girl cousins (on my side of the family).....absolutely precious bonding through City Park
this is Dominic, my brother's 7yr. old.......trying not to melt as we waited for the train.
the eight Moore cousins (ages 12,10,8,7,6,6,3,2)...the first time they have all been together. It was really cool to just watch them smoosh together and go with it; Maggie is wondering if we can fit 3yr. old Daphne into her backpack to take her home.
Beautiful City Park---lots of green trees, spanish moss, and a little breeze (well, from the train ride at least). We pretty much closed down the amusement park at 3pm but not without grabbing sno-balls first! Maggie's first cherry sno-ball.......she is already asking for a root beer one next.
We headed to Cajun Country aka Broussard; where the Poynots live. Kelda is my long lost Southern sister. I am so glad we made this trek. And so are the kids. Amanda and Mia are attached at the hip; the boys are in heaven.
Did I mention it's HOT.....like sweat dripping down the back of your legs while you are sitting in the shade. Oh, sorry, too much information. I'll move on to the pictures.

Day Three photos to come soon.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Well, typing this post would be Easier if my E wasn't sticking -- grrrr!

A great day topped off with fried crab claws, a warm bath and our friends' air-conditioned house.

The kids and I are off on a vacation to visit family and friends in Southern Louisiana. It's humid, hot and sticky but nothing a little a/c can't resolve. We were busy with the Children's Museum (including an impromptu tour of the surrounding streets/Superdome/Tulane Med. center b/c I got lost!)

A walk around the Jackson Square/Moonwalk/Cafe Du Monde

and listening to the steam Calliope from the Natchez.

Saturday, July 03, 2010
I've really never really been an avid reader. When I was a kid, ready for pleasure was not something I would ever choose to do. My brother read a ton and I just never understood WHY he would enjoy it. Fast forward the college and reading for pleasure never happened b/c I was constantly reading for school and holy cow did that make my brain hurt. Then I discovered children's literature.....it was magical. I loved that class and I had a whole new appreciation for where stories could take you - Dear Mr. Henshaw and Bridge to Terabithia opened my world. And Charlotte's Web! Good stuff.
So, I thought I would try to expand my closed mind and READ for pleasure. I read a few true crime books and a couple from Iris Johansen. Not a bad start, but not really hooked. Then I had kids. I absolutely wanted them to learn to love books. We read a lot --- The Big Red Barn and Barnyard Dance are burned into my memory banks. We visited the library often and participated in storytimes, etc. It was just that having four different reading levels had made reading a chore again. I have always read to the kids but it really tapered off b/c I was burnt out, bedtime routine got SUPER LONG, and how many times can you really read Hop on Pop (same story, different kid)? Yet still made library trips b/c I wanted them to love books. We listen to books on CD when we travel, even. (you MUST listen to the Hank the Cowdog series, so funny and clever!)
Fast forward to school age.........and I feel defeated. All my elementary school struggles came raring back with having to READ for homework and read BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO. Add in book reports.........boom, all the fun got sucked out. AND my kids feel the same way. They all love to be read to, but to read for pleasure or to get through an assignment is pure torture.
So, I made a conscious decision about a year ago, I need to set the example by reading for pleasure MYSELF. Bah, but who has the time??? I found the James Patterson 1,2,3,4 Women's murder club series at a garage sale---I snagged all four for a $1 total. I buzzed through the first three and then was introduced to the Twilight series. I read Twilight in a week, HUH, me??? I finished that series, read a few assorted chick lit. books, a true crime book, and now I'm back into the Women's Murder Club series. I started book 4 in February and now I'm up to book 8 -- how'd that happen??? AND I stopped and read The Time Traveler's Wife and Suzanne's Diary for Nicolas (while I was waiting for book 7 at the library).
I think my plan is working. The kids were stunned when I picked up book 8 this week. "Wow, Mom that was fast. What's happening in this one?" We all have been reading daily. I've been told that more practice will help with their reading struggles. I'm trying. Currently, Maggie is reading Dream Factory; Sean is reading Babe Ruth & the Baseball Curse; Amanda is reading Night of the Ninjas (Magic TreeHouse series); and Ian's two books from today were The Gardener by Sarah Stewart and Hot-Air Henry by Mary Calhoun. I read with Sean and Amanda so I can review comprehension with them. Ian is working on Dick and Jane stuff, too. BUT I am still working to find reading time for myself. I have become the creepy, book lady --- I carry my book in my purse all the time. I read during breaks at theatre, waiting for doctor appts., baseball practice, and occasionally when I have a few minutes and I'm not too sleepy.
Still waiting for the day when my kids become readers-for-pleasure. I can only keep trying. It only took me 40 years.
So, I thought I would try to expand my closed mind and READ for pleasure. I read a few true crime books and a couple from Iris Johansen. Not a bad start, but not really hooked. Then I had kids. I absolutely wanted them to learn to love books. We read a lot --- The Big Red Barn and Barnyard Dance are burned into my memory banks. We visited the library often and participated in storytimes, etc. It was just that having four different reading levels had made reading a chore again. I have always read to the kids but it really tapered off b/c I was burnt out, bedtime routine got SUPER LONG, and how many times can you really read Hop on Pop (same story, different kid)? Yet still made library trips b/c I wanted them to love books. We listen to books on CD when we travel, even. (you MUST listen to the Hank the Cowdog series, so funny and clever!)
Fast forward to school age.........and I feel defeated. All my elementary school struggles came raring back with having to READ for homework and read BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO. Add in book reports.........boom, all the fun got sucked out. AND my kids feel the same way. They all love to be read to, but to read for pleasure or to get through an assignment is pure torture.
So, I made a conscious decision about a year ago, I need to set the example by reading for pleasure MYSELF. Bah, but who has the time??? I found the James Patterson 1,2,3,4 Women's murder club series at a garage sale---I snagged all four for a $1 total. I buzzed through the first three and then was introduced to the Twilight series. I read Twilight in a week, HUH, me??? I finished that series, read a few assorted chick lit. books, a true crime book, and now I'm back into the Women's Murder Club series. I started book 4 in February and now I'm up to book 8 -- how'd that happen??? AND I stopped and read The Time Traveler's Wife and Suzanne's Diary for Nicolas (while I was waiting for book 7 at the library).
I think my plan is working. The kids were stunned when I picked up book 8 this week. "Wow, Mom that was fast. What's happening in this one?" We all have been reading daily. I've been told that more practice will help with their reading struggles. I'm trying. Currently, Maggie is reading Dream Factory; Sean is reading Babe Ruth & the Baseball Curse; Amanda is reading Night of the Ninjas (Magic TreeHouse series); and Ian's two books from today were The Gardener by Sarah Stewart and Hot-Air Henry by Mary Calhoun. I read with Sean and Amanda so I can review comprehension with them. Ian is working on Dick and Jane stuff, too. BUT I am still working to find reading time for myself. I have become the creepy, book lady --- I carry my book in my purse all the time. I read during breaks at theatre, waiting for doctor appts., baseball practice, and occasionally when I have a few minutes and I'm not too sleepy.
Still waiting for the day when my kids become readers-for-pleasure. I can only keep trying. It only took me 40 years.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Where have I been? Well, I know where I haven't been -- exercising, but something had to be dropped from the schedule for a bit. A busy week and now we are heading into a busy summer, but it's all good. It started with dance recital for the girls on 6/17. Then on Sunday, Sean and his friends on the Blue Angels won the USSSA State Championship in baseball.
It was spectacular to watch and even better that there snack bar has a/c and beer :) (Hey, I waited until after the game to cool off; give me some credit!) He's moving on to 5th grade; he's getting to big for my comfort zone.

Maggie had a busy week of 6th grade activities and then she had her promotion-to-middle-school ceremony on Wednesday. I was calm, settled, and happy UNTIL her amazing teacher got up to say a few words before giving the certificates. She began by singing to them; yes, singing to them. Ms. Hager is so talented and sang to them & with them often. You guessed it --- I lost it. Music is so important to me and to see how it connected her to her students was inspiring. What a great teacher; I'm thrilled that she 'got' Maggie and brought out the best in her.
So in seven months ---Amanda was able to get back onto the dance and theatre stage (currently in Wizard of Oz) and finish her school year strong by passing another speed/math quiz. She is going to do a reading clinic for a bit this summer and we have lots of library trips planned. She is going on to 3rd grade. She continues to amaze us.
and Ian.................he is officially a 1st grader.........sniff! He loves life and is pretty much up for anything. Especially if it involves water like swimming or the beach, but he'll settle for water guns or the sprinkler too. A true California boy!
We've only had a few 'real' summer days since they got out on last Wed. Just mostly hung out; swam a bit; did some errands. AND everyone is still alive. Even the fleas that are currently making me crazy.
(I've been saving this for days with hopes that blogger would let me add more pictures, but it won't. Grrrr!)
Stay tuned -- I might not be so chipper next time I post.
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