Saturday, July 03, 2010

I've really never really been an avid reader. When I was a kid, ready for pleasure was not something I would ever choose to do. My brother read a ton and I just never understood WHY he would enjoy it. Fast forward the college and reading for pleasure never happened b/c I was constantly reading for school and holy cow did that make my brain hurt. Then I discovered children's was magical. I loved that class and I had a whole new appreciation for where stories could take you - Dear Mr. Henshaw and Bridge to Terabithia opened my world. And Charlotte's Web! Good stuff.

So, I thought I would try to expand my closed mind and READ for pleasure. I read a few true crime books and a couple from Iris Johansen. Not a bad start, but not really hooked. Then I had kids. I absolutely wanted them to learn to love books. We read a lot --- The Big Red Barn and Barnyard Dance are burned into my memory banks. We visited the library often and participated in storytimes, etc. It was just that having four different reading levels had made reading a chore again. I have always read to the kids but it really tapered off b/c I was burnt out, bedtime routine got SUPER LONG, and how many times can you really read Hop on Pop (same story, different kid)? Yet still made library trips b/c I wanted them to love books. We listen to books on CD when we travel, even. (you MUST listen to the Hank the Cowdog series, so funny and clever!)

Fast forward to school age.........and I feel defeated. All my elementary school struggles came raring back with having to READ for homework and read BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO. Add in book reports.........boom, all the fun got sucked out. AND my kids feel the same way. They all love to be read to, but to read for pleasure or to get through an assignment is pure torture.

So, I made a conscious decision about a year ago, I need to set the example by reading for pleasure MYSELF. Bah, but who has the time??? I found the James Patterson 1,2,3,4 Women's murder club series at a garage sale---I snagged all four for a $1 total. I buzzed through the first three and then was introduced to the Twilight series. I read Twilight in a week, HUH, me??? I finished that series, read a few assorted chick lit. books, a true crime book, and now I'm back into the Women's Murder Club series. I started book 4 in February and now I'm up to book 8 -- how'd that happen??? AND I stopped and read The Time Traveler's Wife and Suzanne's Diary for Nicolas (while I was waiting for book 7 at the library).

I think my plan is working. The kids were stunned when I picked up book 8 this week. "Wow, Mom that was fast. What's happening in this one?" We all have been reading daily. I've been told that more practice will help with their reading struggles. I'm trying. Currently, Maggie is reading Dream Factory; Sean is reading Babe Ruth & the Baseball Curse; Amanda is reading Night of the Ninjas (Magic TreeHouse series); and Ian's two books from today were The Gardener by Sarah Stewart and Hot-Air Henry by Mary Calhoun. I read with Sean and Amanda so I can review comprehension with them. Ian is working on Dick and Jane stuff, too. BUT I am still working to find reading time for myself. I have become the creepy, book lady --- I carry my book in my purse all the time. I read during breaks at theatre, waiting for doctor appts., baseball practice, and occasionally when I have a few minutes and I'm not too sleepy.

Still waiting for the day when my kids become readers-for-pleasure. I can only keep trying. It only took me 40 years.


Kim said...

Ann never leaves home without a book in hand and Sarah has recently picked up the habit. Lizzy....I wish!

Nicole said...

Good job mom!!!! The best way to get them to like it is to be the good example! I am still hoping Justin will figure it out!

Nicole said...

Good job mom!!!! The best way to get them to like it is to be the good example! I am still hoping Justin will figure it out!

Buckeyemomof3 said...

I have The 9th Judgement sitting here, I tore through it like I tore through the previous 8 and just finished Private by Patterson. His Alex Cross series is just as good. I think the only Patterson book I didnt care for was Swimsuit. Looks like your having a great time on vacation.