Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another brain dump.....it's all I have energy for........
we are moving. Don't know when or where to, but it's in the near future. Made another Goodwill drop off today. Collin put sod in the front and painted a lot this weekend. I added a lot of flowers here and there along with decluttering.

Had a productive weekend with beach time on Friday and Monday. Can't complain about the beach. Newport had a SUPER low tide while we were there and we wound up with a little lagoon and sandbar. It was surreal.

Maggie's room is done including the closet, dresser, and desk. Moving will be easy, keeping it neat is the hard part for Mag. Working on the boys room currently. Why don't I feel like I'm accomplishing much.

First Oklahoma dress rehearsal tonight. Need to get ribbon for a sash.

Amanda's MRI is scheduled for 8/23 with doctor follow-up the same day.

No news on the job front for me.

What should I make for dinner? Needs to be re-heating friendly b/c the boys need to eat after football and we'll be at theatre.
Hate living in limbo, but Balboa bars make me happy.


Jen Muhlenbruck said...

: *** (

Nicole said...

Balboa bars make me happy too!