Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little glimpse of life, with pictures, woot!..........Last weekend, Collin went on a boys' weekend hunting trip with his friend Dale. He has guns that he had gotten recently from one of his co-workers. So in combination with him prepping for the trip, shopping for camo gear, and going to the shooting range to set the scope (or whatever you call it), the kids have been very interested in what he's doing. Meaning, guns.
I am NOT a gun person. Never have been. But with a husband who grew up hunting and target shooting, who am I to say that we can't have them when they are stored safely. We've had guns in the house forever. We have a gun safe for the guns and the ammunition (if we even have any) is in a separate locked container in a separate location. The kids didn't even know about them until a couple of years ago.

So, with all the trip prep, the kids have had a couple of lessons in gun safety recently. Lots of talk and hands-on about making sure it's unloaded; how you hold it; etc. I observe and never do the hands-on part. ....shudder... It's really interesting to see how interested the boys are; they just are. The girls pay attention but haven't wanted to 'get into' it like the boys. I'm sure it's because it's a 'be-like-Dad' thing but I find it intriguing.
He went on his merry way to freeze his butt off while I stayed home and held down the fort. Regular routine of life and such = work, errands, kid's activities, cleaning, sick-kid care and cooking. Made a nice batch of barbecued shredded pork that the kids adore; chicken stir-fry that was divine; some swiss steak that the kids would likely choose to never eat again. ...shrug....you can't win 'em all!
Collin had lots of COLD quiet time and didn't kill Bambi (thank goodness!) and managed to make the baggage check-in lady at the airport laugh. Imagine the lady's surprise, when she opened his gun case and found Camelia red beans and Community coffee surrounding his guns. Only in New Orleans! He (and all his tasty goodies)  made it home safely with Sean mostly recovered from his flu. Now another one is down for the count, poor little Ian............
Off to catch up on laundry with hopes that little dude with nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand your gun position well. Brian's family is from Missouri, and in the past few years a number of his relatives have died and left him their guns. Which means that we now have an arsenal, packed away in the attic - no ammunition in the house. Some of them are antique and gorgeous. Connor's fascination is one thing but Sarah's is amazing. She has gone hunting with Brian at least two times. You know Sarah - she LOVES being outdoors, dressed in camo, waiting for something to move so she can shoot it. She even gutted the turkey herself last fall. Last fall she even got instruction in automatic weapons while back in Missouri. Maybe she will go into law enforcement one day.

Miss you - let's have coffee one morning and catch up.