Thursday, April 11, 2013

Relocation ramblings, episode 3

subtitled: Embracing the Chaos --
  • Last week I posted about not being ready for 48*. Well let's just say that yesterday's 41* and thunderstorms was really cold. And even the people who aren't new here were cold too because every Starbucks drive-thru was packed. Apparently everyone else was seeking refuge in the form of a caramel latte as well. It is April, right?
  • I dropped my beloved Canon camera the other day and tweeked the lens :( So my daily photos are now done with my phone. Not happy but it still counts.
  • This week school lunches have been made in the hotel. It's called 'making it work.' I can't wait to have a real kitchen again.
  • School busses are a beautiful thing except when you miss it (or the driver leaves early and at least five students end up calling their parents for a ride home from school, grrrrr)
  • I could survive with food in a cooler (no fridge) if I had to. However, a washer and dryer is a NECESSITY. Having no washer or dryer (and paying $4 per load to wash & dry)  is a royal pain. I am dragging my feet on doing anymore at the hotel because ours will be set up this weekend. Save about $20 and wait or scramble for more quarters? I think I'll wait.
  • My brother magically appeared here yesterday. Apparently he travels to the area quite frequently with his job and the office was about 5min from our hotel. Sweet. Another bonus to living here.
  • Right now I am savoring the sunshine, watching the breeze blow on the pond, listening to the birds sing, and waiting for the carpet cleaners to finish. The phone guy just left and two pods have been delivered. It's time to cowgirl up and move some boxes ya'll.

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