Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Figuring it out one chore at a time

Like many Moms I know, I often hear 'I don't know how you do it.' Truth be told, I really don't know either. There are some days were I feel like I have it all together and I can conquer or embrace the obstacles in my way. However, there are many days were I feel like my head is underwater and I am happy if I get everyone where they need to be on time much less fed and happy. I think the key to those all together days are the ones with a plan --dinner meal is planned so I know what to thaw the day before; a plan/schedule about who needs to be where and when; a plan about what errands to run/ am I working that day/ is it a volunteer at school day; etc. But where does that leave the housework/chores?

Over the years, we have had many charts, routines, rotations, etc. regarding chores. Nothing has really stuck. As the kids grew older (and busier) I let more and more things slide to being 'my job'. It was easier to just do it myself (and not be a martyr, thanks Flylady) -- that way it got done; done the way I wanted it done; and I didn't have to constantly nag about it. And, yep, you guessed it. Everyone got used to me doing it all with minimal help from them. It was a madness that I created and contributed to. Well, I have come to my senses!!!! There has to be a better way....a way where everyone can contribute; do a good job; and I become a more sane 'all together' person.

Cue a new chore system:
Thanks to my amazing friend, Kelda I was motivated to figure out what to put on the lists and how to organize it. With six kids (my four + two extra teens), it was easy to spread the chores to a minimal amount for each person daily while getting it all done. For examples, today Maggie had to empty the main kitchen trash (&replace the bag) and feed Fritz (&fresh water); Ian had to wipe the boys' bathroom counter & sink and empty the daily recyclables from the pantry to the big bin.......all stuff I have been doing. Everyone did their chores and no one complained! Yes, I know it is new but everyone seems happy about the way it all separated out so I will be happy and hope for the best. Even though I did help finish the kitchen and wipe the counters/stove (because no one had that job today), it was a refreshing change instead of them scattering like cockroaches when I ask for a volunteer to load the dishwasher.
So, for today, I feel 'all together'. It's been a good day. And even though I have a cake baked and ready for icing, tomorrow I don't think I will be 'all together.' My heart is breaking because my baby will be 10; no more single digits.

1 comment:

The Foil Hat said...

I used to do something similar, Joy. That's the nice part about big families - easy to spread things out! How do you have two extra kids?