Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Where have I been???
Well, busy having fun with assorted friends. Our 1st group arrived last Friday and we (9 total)had a fabulous weekend in Big Bear complete with 5in. of fresh powder for the kids to play in before we left on Monday.
NOW, we have a different group of friends here AND a much BIGGER group :) There are 12 people here - 4 adults/ 8 kids (the oldest is 11-1/2)!!!!!!!!!!

Here are a few observations:
1) wife friend and I have agreed that having multiples wives IS a good thing. We are having a ball ---non-stop chatter amidst cooking, cleaning, shuffling assorted children, errands, and even having wine & margaritas. Life is good. (side note: I don't want to necessarily share my husband if you know what I mean) AND she homeschools her kids, knits, smocks & sews. I might have to kidnap her.
2) we are eating MASS quantities of food. It is completely unreal. They arrived yesterday afternoon. Since then, we have consumed 4lbs. of strawberries, 2 gallons of milk, a large box of cereal; 4 gallons of water; a Costco sized spaghetti sauce + a couple of random jars; 1-1/2 lbs. of spaghetti; 32 homemade meatballs (we made 36 and they ain't mini ones); BBQ --7 chicken breasts + 16 chicken legs; a HUGE MONDO bowl of fruit salad; an entire pack of Costco bakery cookies. We've also had green beans and corn, but I don't even know how much. This is only what I can recall. Isn't it hilarious!
3) it is beyond hilarious to hear about all the random adventures that your dh had in college. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have met him when he was graduating. His poor Mom has always said 'anything beyond 25yo is bonus!' I truly get it now. Could it be funnier to hear one of his long-time buddies say "I think I've been there during everyone of your insane mishaps."

We are heading to the mountains again this weekend and it's supposed to snow again. Yippee!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


In the spirit of celebrating, today I thought I would list something that I love about those around me:
my husband -- I love that he works hard; that he loves teaching the kids new things; that he loves to cook!
Maggie -- I love that she loves drama & dance; that she still likes to be tucked in at night; that she ADORES her baby brother.
Sean -- I love that he loves to learn; that he is an animal lover; that he can be sensitive and silly all wrapped in one.
Amanda -- I love that she likes my silly nick-names; that she is friendly and sweet; that she can make me laugh so hard with her priceless giggle! (and that she digs lunch at Panera Bread)
Ian -- I love that he is MY baby boy!; that he is very funny; that he ADORES his older siblings!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Had a funny conversation the other day about STUPID television and how bizarre it is that people get sucked into it all. We've all done it at some point......sat there and watched for 30min./1hr./an entire movie! It leaves you with the feeling of "gah! I just wasted 30min. of my life that I can never get back!"

So fast forward to last night -- exhausted after a long FUN day at Sea World, dh and I got sucked into some random WWF Raw wrestling challenge. @@ OH DEAR GOD! I couldn't stop watching (and laughing). I couldn't stop babbling "do people REALLY STILL think this is real?" "where do these steriod freaks come from?" "can you imagine just going to one of these crazy, loud things and not die from laughter?" "Who will the Undertaker choose to wrestle?" "Did that poster really say 'My Mom thinks your hot'?" {snort!} Poof - 30 min. of my life gone!

And tonight, dh had the nerve to ask me 'ooooo, I wonder if the Undertaker defeated Batista?'

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Baseball practice has started. YEAH! I love baseball season. I love going to the games. However, most of the conversations in this house recently go like this:
Dh: Sean needs a new bat
me: OK
Dh: wahwahwah blahblahblah some random numbers wah blah (imagine Charlie Brown's teacher)
me: uh, huh
[repeat this part about 20 times]
Dh: wah blah wah blah $250
me: *cough, gag* no! try ebay
Dh: wah blah wah What size do you think?
me: *deer in the heads lights look*
Dh: OH! I can get it for 1/2 off retail on ebay
me: yeah, get it!

It's all about the gear {shrug - who knew?}

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Remember this jingle: Here's to good friends tonight is kinda special...

It's Superbowl Sunday and even though we aren't having a PARTY OF ALL PARIES BECAUSE THE SAINTS ARE IN IT we do have some friends over. Hubby has already made the crab-boil potato salad; he's slow cooking ribs; and I'll nuke the frozen corn, lol. We've already mowed through the chips & bean dip (with 3 adults and six kids it didn't take long) and the game is hours away.

We're rootin' for the New Orleans boy (Manning), but overall we don't care. I just wanna see these million dollar commercials.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

There is nothing like the LOVE a Grandma has. My MIL sent this after our recent Christmas visit.

Seriously -- isn't it grand. I like to call it our 'surprise box o' junk'. For several weeks after we leave, she puts her house back together and gathers all of our random stuff. This box: one pair of dh's underwear, one pair of Mag's socks, Sean's beanie, a random deck of SeaLife cards, a Viewmaster (from the cousins), a few Barbie accessories [a girl has to have her shoes & sunglasses, ya know], an sctivity book and the NINJA TURTLES GAMEBOY cartridge! [the cartridge somehow got nestled under the bottom cushion of her recliner @@]

Now if that isn't LOVE I don't know what is.