Friday, March 30, 2007

So I attempted some pre-spring gardening back in February.......lined the front walkway with pansies, pruned & weeded the rose gardens, planted snapdragons and some other assorted flowers to fill in them empty bed spots, fertilized it all. Fast forward to now with minimal watering from me, phase 1 of gardening ended with this: the roses are blooming, the LONE pansy that survived, and some pretty purple flowers. Almost all of the snapdragons d.i.e.d. along with the spring planter at the door. I so stink at this.
SO, yesterday I started phase 2. With the help of some awesome customer service at Armstrong Garden Center, I added some gerber daisies to the front rose bed; put in more pansies & petunias in walkway bed; reworked the planter at the door with Rhaniculas (sp?) and some other funky stuff; composted it all. Today I'm planting some tomatoes in the backyard random spot that is full-sun (along with Amanda's bean project from school).
I have decided that THIS will be my exercise. How pathetic and old am I that I consider gardening my exercise, but I'm getting some yoga stretches out of this, I think. It makes me sore and tired. So why shouldn't it count.
Aside from the tomatoes, the backyard remains a scary, pathetic jungle to be conquered.
Stay tuned to see what survives.................

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

In a nutshell:
Baseball season is going well. Amanda's teeball team is, well, hilarious. Hard to even imagine Sean was at 'that level' just two years ago. Seems almost impossible actually. BUT she is having fun and we are having lots of laughs. Sean is adjusting to kid pitch pretty well. He had a big game on Sat.--1st time getting a base hit; 1st time getting hit with a pitch; and 1st time getting a big leaping catch for an out. (I missed it all, but I have to get over it.)
We've been battling assorted illnesses but I'm hoping that we are at the tail end of it. Amanda has a mild pneumonia but she is mending well and getting back to her spunky self.
Maggie is working on the infamous 3rd grade Famous American project. She is Shirley Temple Black so next week's costumed presentation should be fun. She also survived her 1st official Girl Scout camping adventure at Camp Sherman. She loved it and the dirt level on her clothes proved it.
Ian remains cute and funny although he has turned on his 3yo behavior button and challenges me quite often. Grrrrr........

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A little dedication:
My dear friend Audrey had a little girl in January and she was born with Down's Syndrome (as a complete shock to everyone). Audrey and her family are doing great and she just sent me this beautiful, touching montage.

Please take the time to watch

Monday, March 19, 2007

HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY to our little wild man!
It doesn't seem possible that he's been such a treasure for three years already. Here's a fun little tribute to Mr. Delicious:
1. These days he loves everything 'Eigo' (aka Diego)
2. and he still loves Cars and trains.
3. He stills loves to snuggle like the best of them and makes sure we have 'room-a-lay' (translation: room to lay on his pillow for tuck in).
4. When he tired, give him the couch arm as his pillow and he'll be out in 2.7 seconds.
5. Do NOT allow #4 to happen when you are cooking dinner or at any point beyond 4:30pm!
6. Moosie is still his pal.
7. He has perfected screeching like a macaw or as he refers to it 'I'm being Shamu'
8. When I tell him something he doesn't like or I'm being mean Mommy, he responds with 'Mom, you da boss' (snicker.....he really is trying to say 'you're not the boss!')
9. He loves baseball.
10. He has music in his soul; he notices music, even the faintest background tunes, and dances all the time.
11. He wants CHOCOLATE cake!

Friday, March 16, 2007

For many of you, this post will seem a little strange, but I'll try to help you understand. If you have never experienced going to a Waffle House, you must do it at some point in your life. One day on the drive from New Orleans to Atlanta we started counting Waffle Houses. Sometimes having TWO of these fine dining establishments off one interstate exit, we stopped counting at about 65.
I, personally, haven't been to one in a while, but my husband satisfied his craving and visited one while he was in Atlanta recently. I forgot to ask him if he got his hash browns 'covered or smothered'. BUT he did get me this:

Basically he had to leave a 'big' tip while the waitress turned her back b/c they aren't available for purchase. I cannot begin to tell you how happy this mug makes me whenever I pour my daily cup of joe. Makes me chuckle everytime.

Put it on your list of places to go before you die.

Monday, March 12, 2007

As my kids evolve in the television world, I periodically try to catch a few old favorites. Sometimes we'll run across a Maggie & the Ferocious Beast episode (great googally moogally!) or a random Mister Rogers Neighborhood (I still think the puppets are creepy) and it brings me back to how insane three children 3-1/2yo & younger was. Clearly I wasn't thinking clearly when figuring out birth control. Anyway, I digress.....I can on occasion get Ian to watch Sesame Street or a Blue's Clues.

Today I was disturbed at what I saw. Deeply saddened. (Still bitter from Steve moving on) First, it was a Blue's Clues episode with Joe. He's nice enough, but he's NOT Steve and I never made the transition. Second, and most shocking, Joe wasn't all jolly and happy about getting the mail --- he was singin' a little diddy about EMAIL. 'We've got EMAIL'No. No. No. It's all wrong.

Yes, we are tech generation (who'da thunk I would have a blog) with gizmos and gadgets galore, but is it absolutely necessary that we teach toddlers about email? Don't the creators understand that the HIGHLIGHT of my day as an at-home Mom in the throws of parenting wee ones was GETTING THE MAIL. It was a huge production; almost as huge as Steve made it. And Joe thinks he needs to skip the REAL mailbox. heh, last time I watch dear old Blue.

I'm gonna go dig up one of my most favorite books from childhood and savor some old fashioned Sesame Street. There's A Monster at the End of this Book

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I LOVE the fact that all of my kids wanted to learn to ski.
I LOVE the fact that my not quite 7yo took his lesson and was a fast learner, but I don't love the fact that he is faster than me now.
I LOVE the fact that my girls wanted to learn. I don't love the fact that they both quit their lesson, but they did get back on the slopes and figured out the basics on their own. I LOVE that I ski well enough that I can hold my poles in front of me under Amanda's armpits and that I can steer her without falling.
I LOVE that Ian is the cutest thing on skis and that he is brave enough to actually do it!
I LOVE the fact that we can visit the snow and don't have to deal with snow gear for months at a time.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

So we go to Sea World to enjoy the day with some friends that are visiting from Oregon and to celebrate Sean's birthday. Everything was just fine and dandy until they decided to start the Dolphin show with SPLASH TIME with NO WARNING.

Poor Amanda spent the rest of the show on alert just in case they held another unannounced splash time. I'm so bad; I couldn't grab my camera fast enough.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Taking a trip down memory lane this AM since my kids requested we watch the wedding video. It's been 11-1/2 years. The 1st thing they noticed -"Mom, you are so pretty and skinny." Um, thanks, I think. Lots of 'look at Daddy; look at Gma; who is that?' going on. Pretty funny overall; you know it was 1995 after all. Time flies. My godchild (then 6) is graduating from high school this year; my 3rd niece wasn't even born yet; Grandpa Hall was here; I have had four children not to mention the numerous children the wedding party have had.

Some things that stick out in mind:
1) the dresses -- really, WHY didn't someone shout in objection 'Magenta? really, Magenta?'
2)We danced to 'A Groovy Kind of Love' by Phil Collins. Bad choice. I couldn't even remember what we danced too until I heard it.
3) I NEVER left the dance floor except to cut the cake. All the while with a champagne glass in my hand. I even danced by myself. (is anyone surprised?)
4)WE ARE FAMILY! Watching this just makes me smile. It brings out ALL the Cantrelle family/cousins and it is always awesome. Ten siblings + spouses and everyone else. My Paran has some moves! My cousin Ginnyand my Uncle Jesse are gone now, so it was fun to remember the good times.
5) Doing a kick line to New York, New York with my father-in-law included was one of the best surprises of the day.
6) We've line-danced; 2nd lined; done the hokey-pokey; done the twist; done the boot skoot boogey; even our favorite Billy Idol 'Mony-Mony'.

What a hoot!
Oh look; we're chicken dancing now!

Friday, March 02, 2007

The days are numbered until my baby turns THREE. We know what that means -- a THREE YEAR OLD; that phrase alone can make many people wimper away and crawl into a corner. I keep thinking in my perfect world-brain that he won't be a 'regular' 3yo and he will remain cute, funny, and mostly delicious. Eh, not likely but one can hope.

Here are two of his latest funnies........

1) coming down the stairs after bath the other night, he was farting with every step. We both couldn't stop laughing and I said 'what? are ya leaking?' Fast forward 30 min., he was at the table coloring with Amanda and apparently he farted again. He loudly proclaimed --'Hey, I farted. I'm leaking again.' Seriously, he kills me.

2) yesterday AM he asked for armpit lotion. Yes, armpit lotion. That would be deodorant to you and me.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Love is having your son FINALLY cut his hair...........


I'll admit it -- the soft curls on the floor made me a little sad. He looks SO grown up now. Had his 7yr. well check and he's a solid 56lbs. and 48-3/4". I told him he could ride any ride that he wants to now; he wasn't convinced that monster rollercoasters are acceptable. Well, neither am I for that matter.