Friday, March 16, 2007

For many of you, this post will seem a little strange, but I'll try to help you understand. If you have never experienced going to a Waffle House, you must do it at some point in your life. One day on the drive from New Orleans to Atlanta we started counting Waffle Houses. Sometimes having TWO of these fine dining establishments off one interstate exit, we stopped counting at about 65.
I, personally, haven't been to one in a while, but my husband satisfied his craving and visited one while he was in Atlanta recently. I forgot to ask him if he got his hash browns 'covered or smothered'. BUT he did get me this:

Basically he had to leave a 'big' tip while the waitress turned her back b/c they aren't available for purchase. I cannot begin to tell you how happy this mug makes me whenever I pour my daily cup of joe. Makes me chuckle everytime.

Put it on your list of places to go before you die.


Janet said...

You know, we had a Waffle House where I lived in NC and I never ever once went there. Dammit!

Kim said...

"I can't believe he's MY GODFATHER", Sarah

Anonymous said...

Well, now that I know you love it, we can go for breakfast when you come out here in a few weeks. We have one just down I17 - in fact you might see it on your drive.