Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Miss Maggie TURNS 9!!!!!!! How can it be?

This photo on the right is too funny! She opened it and immediately proclaimed "OOOOO, Heather-wear!" Yes, Heather S.; it's b/c of you :) Heather is the best dresser and always put together; I bought a cool top recently and said it was 'Heather-wear'. I didn't even now Maggie knew what I meant! Thanks for having good taste, Heather.

The IPOD Shuffle; I'm REALLY, REALLY tired of Radio Disney. So now Maggie can have her own tunes when we are in the car. I don't mind the occasional kid's CD even, but I'm OVER Radio Disney. Daddy got the best hug of THANKS; apparently she thinks he was the final decision maker in the deal. I'm OK with that; but she still isn't even close to getting a cell phone.


Amy in Orlando said...

Happy Birthday, Maggie! She's beautiful, Joy.

Anonymous said...


I think the Ipod is an amazingly cool and totally awesome idea!

Nicole said...

I can't believe you asctually listen to Radio Disney- I can't stand it even for a second! :)