Friday, September 28, 2007

When Amanda makes her mind up (whether for or against something) there is NO turning back. She knows what she wants; she always wee colic baby. Recently she woke up on a Saturday and declared she wanted her ears pierced. I've never brought it up b/c I really didn't want it to be about 'me'; I don't know what spawned her decision. So after shuffling about with assorted errands, the two of us hit Claire's at the mall. She climbed into the seat; picked out what she wanted and DID.NOT.FLINCH. She was more uncomfortable with everyone stopping and watching than anything else.

Now we are just waiting to see if her two front bottom teeth will come out since she is currently a shark with her grown-up teeth already in.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Today is just a sad, sad day.
Collin's Grandpa died on Tuesday. After a long 84 yrs. of hardwork, Grandpa Z. fought to the very end but his heart finally gave out. This last year has been a LONG ROAD for Grandma and my MIL. After assorted heart med. adjustments, a perforated ulcer [where he spent 4 weeks in the ICU post-op], rehab. center for recovery, and a broken neck after falling on the walker he was supposed to be using, he wasn't going to give up. All of the medical personnel don't even know how he survived the break much less attempted a recovery. His mind was sharp, but his body had had enough. His quality of life was gone and it was really difficult to see his body slipping to barely 130lbs. Grandpa was one of five siblings and he was the first to leave us. He did make it to his brother's 90th bday celebration before he got really sick last year. What an amazing event that must have been. Collin remembers his Grandpa as being the most hard-working family provider you could imagine......he was the ultimate farmer; a master at mechanics with a passion for rebuilding cars/tractors/etc.; a well-read man who loved to talk about his days on the road as a trucker. Need directions -- Grandpa can tell you how to get there. We're gonna miss him "ey-golly".

Collin rushed out of here to be with his Mom and Grandma. Grandpa's funeral was today. Sept. 26th will remain a hard day for everyone. It's also the day that his Dad died from cancer three years ago. I wouldn't have imagined that my MIL would have to say good-bye to two good men so close together. His Dad's ashes are scattered in Lake Lanier (their favorite camping spot) so there will always be a place in Collin's heart that makes GA home no matter where we live.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Shortly after the big kids started school, Ian joined the ranks. I've been at the preschool since Fall 2001 (right before Amanda was born, thud!) and we'll be there until Jun 2009. Yep; EIGHT years in a ROW; we'll hold the crown for consecutive years (I think they should name a classroom after us or something with all the tuition we've paid).

A bittersweet day. I love the SHORT break but I miss the Little Dude.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It all sounds surreal - "all of my kids are in school" "yes, I have a 4th, 2nd, and Kindergartener along with a preschooler" "no, I'm already volunteering in lots of areas"'s true. I have four kids ALL in school (at least part-time) and I have actually told someone 'NO!' with regards to volunteering. As my dear friend Amy would say "flip me a fish!"
Of course, there remains no time for boredom. And who am I fooling, there is ALWAYS laundry beckoning.

(side note: I realize Ian isn't in the photo but it wasn't HIS 1st day of preschool yet and I don't have those pics. uploaded yet. I'm good but I'm not that good.)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Busy little bee, I am. I'll try to update this weekend but I wanted to take a minute and link to this video. It is simply touching and done well. Take a minute and watch; it will likely touch you as well.

For the Troops

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What's not to LOVE about this little guy? Proof that pirates do wear tutus but must be commando underneath.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, September 08, 2007

after practice one day

The team played well and Sean scored a TOUCHDOWN. We wound up losing 29-14, but the game was actually closer than the scored showed. GO CHARGERS!

Friday, September 07, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, I took a roadtrip to AZ to visit my dear friend Sandee and her two kids. Sean stayed back with Collin for football and some one-on-one Dad time of camping. AZ was HOT, but we had a blast. We hiked to the natural bridge in the Tonto National Forest. Over rocks & boulders/across the stream/at one point I had to slid down a rock with Amanda & Ian behind me b/c it was so steep. It was AWESOME and so worth the effort. We all were pooped, but would do it again.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

To everyone who views my blog... Tag you're it!
Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. JUST found out I was pregnant with Maggie
2. starting my 2nd year teaching kindergarten
3. living in a small apt with dh and one cat; moving toward our 2nd anniversary
4. volunteering with OCAEYC on various committees
5. taking a sign language class

5 songs I know the lyrics to:
1. You Fill Up My Senses by John Denver
2. Hit me with your Best Shot by Pat Benatar
3. Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf (should I admit this?)
4. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
5. anything from Grease

5 things I would buy if I was a Millionaire:
1. A new Suburban with ALL the bells and whistles
2. A luxery cabin in the mountains or Hawaii
3. A full-time housekeeper
4. some small plastic surgery (like the veins on my legs/ lasik/ etc.)
5. A boat for my husband

Five Things I Would Never Wear Again:
1. Maternity Clothes! - amen!
2. Stir-up pants (eeeek!)
3. a mini skirt (you know, the really short kind)
4. a tube top (ew!)
5. all-in-one snap-at-the-crotch tops (seriously, what on earth?)

Five Things I Would Like to Do:
1. be caught up on my scrapbooking
2. Travel w/o kids more often
3. Do a triathlon (the swim simply petrifies me)
4. Lose my final 13 lbs!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
5. Be a fun and nice mom!

Five Favorite Toys:
1. my computer
2. my camera
3. my scrapbook tools
4. board games
5. baby dolls (I just loved them and had tons--My Baby Beth was my favorite)

Saturday, September 01, 2007

I am trying to post more. I promise, I am. But life just keeps getting in the way. This is our last hoo-rah weekend before school and all of the extra-curr. activities that begin to equal chaos. I'm still cleaning/purging like a banshee. I just am going room-by-room and gutting; if it takes me two days to finish a room then so be it, but I'm tired of the toys-being-put-thrown-the-shelf/laundry stacks in the corner/does this puzzle have all its pieces?/random chaos. It's not dirty, just needs some organizing and purging. Putting the kitchen back together spawned this insanity; I'm hope to finish before this weird productive urge fades.

Here's a pic. of our annual grown-up night. Dh and I have been going to the Pageant of the Masters for at least 10yrs. It's our one night a year where we have a fantastic frou-frou/cost-way-too-much dinner and go out someplace that isn't the movies.

How many more days until school starts?