Saturday, September 22, 2007

It all sounds surreal - "all of my kids are in school" "yes, I have a 4th, 2nd, and Kindergartener along with a preschooler" "no, I'm already volunteering in lots of areas"'s true. I have four kids ALL in school (at least part-time) and I have actually told someone 'NO!' with regards to volunteering. As my dear friend Amy would say "flip me a fish!"
Of course, there remains no time for boredom. And who am I fooling, there is ALWAYS laundry beckoning.

(side note: I realize Ian isn't in the photo but it wasn't HIS 1st day of preschool yet and I don't have those pics. uploaded yet. I'm good but I'm not that good.)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Who are you kidding? You are sitting home on your rear and watching soaps and eating bon-bons (Weight watchers brand of course)!
JK! I feel busier than ever- how did that happen?