Friday, October 05, 2007

DON'T ASK....b/c I don't have an explanation. Yes, Ian asked me to put duct tape on his arm pits. I laughed so hard and told him it would hurt to pull off, but he INSISTED. [shrug] So being the good mother, I obliged. Hilarity ensued. After a few minutes, he wanted it off. With a mixture of 'ow,ow,ow' and snorts of laughter, he survived with no skin damage. These are the moments that keep me sane.

Ergh, mateys. I be Capt'n Jack Sparrow.
Seriously -- the boy kills me. He is simply funny. When he's not driving me bats, he is making me crack up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, this totally cracked me up. I even snorted water out my nose! I don't know how you manage to get anything done when he's around, lol