Tuesday, April 29, 2008

LAME! It's my new word of the week. Really, it applies to so many things......

ME -- I'm lame b/c half-way through CA Adventure yesterday morning I realized my skirt was on inside out. Patterned and cute, just looked a little more hippiness with the seams showing.
ME -- b/c I couldn't get my act together to get a cake in advance for my son's 1st Communion dinner with friends. So we had cake on Sunday.
ME -- b/c I forgot my credit card on the kitchen counter and had to beg Costco to keep my cart while I ran to get the card & Amanda from school; which made me LATE to get Ian.
ME -- b/c it took me forever and a day to get the dryer vent cleared out and now it works like a charm. GO FIGURE, queen of lameness, laundry goes much faster when you aren't doing a double dry cycle.

Enough about me, many other things are lame too.........
Bad drivers = LAME -- thou shalt not honk at me when I am trying to turn left and there is traffic. I don't care if you are trying to turn right and squuuueeeeeze by my monster Burb. Get off your cell phone and wait your turn! And DO NOT honk at me. I was quite happy with myself when I turned and hollered "Dude, chill!" instead of showing him how beautiful my middle finger is.
Bad baseball parents = LAME -- if you are going to beam your kid in the batting cages during batting practice (on purpose) know that I WILL tell the people in charge. You are a psycho parent and are deserving of the King of Lame Crown.
Gas companies = LAME -- I get that they want to make a profit and all that other stuff but WHY is there such a varied price with the actual cost of a gallon of gasoline; even within the same company? Why is it that a gallon of gas costs $3.95 right off the interstate in the middle of nowhere/$3.50 in the middle of AZ/ $3.80 at the store on the corner/ $3.70 10 miles down the road. Answer: b/c they are LAME. Profit is one thing but selfish is another.
Stupid rules = LAME -- ex: the rule that the kids cannot be on ANY of the school equipment after school. Period. Not even to have a shady place to sit while waiting for your older sibling to get out (with your parent standing right there). They have to wait in the grass or sit at the picnic tables in the hot sun. Lame.

I promise -- I really try not to be grumpy. I'm just pointing out assorted lameness b/c if I didn't I would really go crazy. You really have to laugh at the insanity around you.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yeah! I love that you are laughing about all the lameness around you- it's that or pull your hair out! Playground- totally lame!!!