Saturday, November 01, 2008

I'm here to serve of course. So I'm officially reminding YOU to set your clocks back so you too can join me in 'fall back' misery. It simply means my kids will be up earlier; get cranky early b/c it is dark out & they can't be outside while I make dinner; and all of us will just be dragging for the next week.

On a happier note - enjoy our October in the form of pictures.......
Big events pictured - Amanda turned seven; we went apple picking up in the Oak Glen area and I made a killer apple crisp recipe from Jane; and Collin and I had our 13th anniversary.

The girls and I find out tomorrow how we are cast for the Scrooge play at our community theatre. Fingers crossed.


Nicole said...

My kids too- cranky and poopy for days- I wish we'd quit all this time changing thing.....

Kim said...

OMG They are all SO BIG> Can't believe it. My kids are old enough no more time change confusion. Yay.