Friday, November 07, 2008

Like most households with four children it's mostly all drama all the time. Now, we have DRAMA for real. It's Christmas time in Londontown, again!

The latest.........Christmas with Scrooge (basically a Christmas Carol)......Amanda is Melissa (Fred's daughter) again; Maggie is Ghost of Christmas Past (that would be pronounced p-ah-st thankyouverymuch); and I am Ghost of Christmas Present, Mrs. Crachit, and Mrs. Hackett (crazy lady looking for donations).

Having a blast.
Combo it with football practice & playoffs and basketball practice, Collin and I are like ships passing in the night.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I haven't checked anyone's blogs in weeks!!!! Cool football pic, I love Twilight which you already know and I'm a bit relieved football is mostl done with all the dress rehearsals we have coming up! Glad you're in it all with me!!!