Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This is 100th post for the year! Yes, I'm cheating a little by posting three times today, but who's counting.

I want to wish everyone out there happiness, health, and prosperity in 2009!

2008 was a tough year for many people. Many friends lost loved ones; many people lost jobs, homes, and more; and some folks have even lost hope at some point. But with a New Year here it's a great time to take some time and focus on what is important and what you do have. Lots of folks start anew with gratitude journals, dieting, prayers, or whatever they may choose to help turn a corner. However, the way I see it is that it doesn't have to be something huge. It's the little things.

So over the next few days......hug your loved ones a little more, call a friend or family member that you've been meaning to call, even let someone have the better parking spot at Costco. It won't put money in your pocket, but it will make your day a bit better.

My resolution is to NOT eat while I'm driving. Here's why: 1)because it's not safe; 2)it's not good for me to inhale food and 3)simply b/c NOTHING is so important that I can't take a few minutes to stop and eat. Don't get me wrong - it certainly doesn't mean I won't be eating fast food; it just means that I am striving to STOP and take the few minutes to eat. Whether it's sitting in the parking lot or eating while I sit at a sports event, I just want to slow down. Ideally, I'll even be packing a bag o' snacks when I'm on the run, but I'm not going to get delusional.

What are you looking forward to in 2009?

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