Thursday, January 08, 2009


That's what I took this morning. After dropping all the kids off at school(s), I grabbed Eclipse and headed to Starbucks with my gift card. Grabbed a cup o' joe and an apricot/blueberry muffin and sat in the warm while I read, in peace. No one talking to me. No one asking me for a snack. No one I had to share my muffin with.

And then I felt guilty.


Why do Moms do this to themselves? After getting through a few pages of the book, I found myself getting distracted by the laundry sitting waiting to be folded, the bills I need to pay, and figuring out how is it that EVERY Starbucks has a line when we are supposed to be in a recession..........yes, I probably have ADD, but who doesn't these days. WHY can't I just enjoy this short time? I thought about the women who work away from their homes full-time and get it all done. I thought about Jen and her fearsome foursome and how she GETS it done.

I sat for an hour. Got 35 pages read. Called it good and came home to jump back into life. Break over, but I still feel guilty.

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