Wednesday, November 04, 2009

That's what this little girlie is --
and this doesn't even begin to show the extra cards from assorted classes at school and theatre friends, more gifts that we are saving until she wakes, and the silent prayers that everyone has held in their hearts.

These next two pictures are from Tuesday afternoon, post op. She handled everything well; she is having a hard time waking up completely from the anathesia but she is responding to neuro-assessments and will nod her head slightly to answer questions.

her sweet little face was a bit swollen and she battled a temperature for a while too. I know she's a fighter; I just don't like her looking like a boxer.
And here she is today -- looking less swollen but still trying hard to wake up. So hard in fact that her thrashing and tube pulling got her strapped into these arm things the nurses like to call 'No-nos'. Basically they are soft and don't let her bend her arms to grab at things; a lot easier than the constant "NO, NO hold your animal" that I said all morning.

GREAT NEWS....the neuro-surgeon reviewed her post-op MRI (from today) and it looks great. He doesn't see any more tumor and said he will have another radiologist review it just to confirm. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!
Next step, pathology results.
For now, I long to hear my sweet peanut say 'I'm hungry!'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for your sweet girl. God bless.