Baseball is in full swing (no pun intended) with both of the boys' teams heading toward the playoffs. Amanda is ready to roll with her first Holy Communion on May 15th (my dad's birthday) and Maggie is currently in My Fair Lady at the local theatre.
May means state testing the kidlets, Maggie's b-day, and trying to finish up the school year. It also means registering Maggie for 7th grade at the middle school. YIKES, already? I went to a parent orientation this morning and I'm anxious to discuss electives and all the expectations that middle school brings. Organization isn't Mag's forte so we'll have to see how this goes.
I have a 6th grade beach party to plan and summer is looming. As usual, it will be a busy one, but I'm excited about sleeping in, beach days, camping, New Orleans, VBS, and flag football for Ian.
Before I know it will be September and the madness will start all over again.