Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is a post in which I will stand on my soap box - you have been warned!

So, we are currently in the midst of a TV-free week. Well, let me re-phrase that.........MY CHILDREN are currently in the midst of a TV/electronics/screen-free week. Also known as the WEEK OF RIDICULOUSNESS!!!!

I know that kids in general watch too much TV (this includes video games, etc.); overall my kids probably do too. But combined with plenty of outside playtime and assorted activities, I think my kids are getting along just fine. Let me repeat I think my kids are getting along fine. And isn't that the bottom line. I don't think it's up to the school to really worry about this. I monitor what they watch (and even bicker with my husband about it) but that is MY job. I monitor how much they watch; and some days are best in pjs and mindless television. Who says ManTracker isn't physical when it gets your adrenaline flowing? Cooking shows --- hey, they all tried fried cauliflower and liked it, thanks Paula Deen!

My children aren't overweight; they aren't allowed food in the television area anyway (other than popcorn on family movie nights). They eat a balanced diet (including fast food, gasp!) and are all involved in physical activities.

I understand the whole idea ---- spend more time as a family; use your brain for creative activities; can you survive w/o television? But instead of saying how about you pick a day and do something special/different (and turn off the TV!) it becomes a challenge of miserable proportions where the kids are grumpy and playing family TV police b/c "it's the rule" and "I'll get in trouble!" We can't watch the Laker game on Sat. afternoon b/c of school - Really??? Seriously. I have bigger fish to fry.
Example --- Today, I played Lincoln logs and made cookies (for inquiring minds, oatmeal raisin choc. chip [with wheat germ, muhaha]) after school with Ian. After playing at the school playground for a few, we headed home with all of the kids for homework. Three of the kids are outside playing basketball while Mag finishes homework. Amanda has dance class. I'll have them help me make tacos for dinner; do dishes, etc. Why does the day finish on a grumpy note? B/c I have to say 'no you can't watch TV for 30min. to chill before bed.' Apparently you haven't seen the new LIFE series???? And don't even try to say "Well, they should be reading instead" because they already spend time routinely engaged with books at bedtime. So in the end, all of the other non-TV time of activities and being busy don't seem to count for much and it just makes me feel like a crappy parent.
I just don't buy this 'Turn off the TV Week' mumbo jumbo. And I refuse to do. After I tuck my kids in, you better believe I'll have the DVR rolling. How can I possibly fold laundry w/o catching up on Days of our Lives? Ok, fine. Maybe I could try no TV, but no email or Facebook. Please.
I'll happily bake a fresh batch of cookies (you pick!) to the first teacher who tells me that he/she hasn't checked her IPhone for seven days.


Sandee said...

I am standing on my sofa clapping loudly for you. I am a tv addict as you know, but my kids could really care less about watching and would rather be playing. However, it is not the school's right to make children adhere to something like this and/or punish them if they don't. Your kids are very well-rounded and way more active than lots of kids I know. Sure, there are those kids that walk in the door from school and sit in front of the tv, even to eat, and don't move until bed, but that is their parent's worry, not the school's. This is something that should definitely be abolished.

Anonymous said...

guuuuurl don't get me started on this one! My very good "rule following children" were horrified when I was watching TV during their No TV Week. I say again THEIR No TV week. NOT Mommy's. TV/facebook is my way of winding down after a long day and is my childrens way too- there is nothing wrong with that! Oh, and my husband who is a teacher thinks No TV week is foolish too! Well, I have to go watch Lost now....
-Shannon Ricci

The Foil Hat said...

Oh Joy - excellent rant. This is one of the many reasons we homeschool our kids. (not for everyone and that's not my point)

I do wish more parents had a chance to speak up about meaningless stuff like this at their schools before "the flyer" is sent home and everyone feels like they have to do it. Because we all "know" tv is "bad" and who's going to be the first to cast a stone at their own tv screen, right?

TV is like anything else (salt, soda, helmets, fast food, etc.) - you are the parent, you should decide. NO ONE ELSE. Who besides you knows your kids best? Who besides you knows what works best for your own children? Gah -- sorry to go all John Stossal on you - but you know me, I'm like that.

My vote is you have a family viewing of Judge Judy or something tomorrow in defiance! ;)

Nicole said...

Amen to you and all the above! No one in my house is even doing it still except Marin. I told Ben he had to try for atleast 3 days and then yesterday when the 3 days were up he watched more tv that he does in a regular week! It was like he had been on a diet and now all his favorite foods were back up for grabs and he pigged out! It has been frustrating and I even told them the computer and wii were ok because it's been rainy and they can't go outside! I have hated this week for the last 9 years and still do!

Heather said...

Amen Sista! I love when the school tries to tell you how to parent. My other pet peeve is when they give you crap because - THAT is not an EXCUSED absence. REALLY, REALLY? I Echo what you say and we haven't had a 'Screen Free' week!

Unknown said...

here here. I'm with ya, sistah!

Julie said...

Aaaaaaahhhh Joy, I love you! You said it perfectly!!!! I seriously think that the school forcing no TV week might be the dumbest thing ever! And I love the challenge to the teachers to go 7 days without their iphones!!!!!