Saturday, July 17, 2010

Aaaahhhhh, SUMMER
What does it mean to you?
For me,
it's days at the beach and never-ending beach towel laundry.
it's beautiful summer fruit ESPECIALLY watermelon.
it's thinking about everything I eat b/c I have to fit into a bathing suit.
it's sleeping in and lazy mornings except for the much anticipated week of VBS.
it's finally de-cluttering random baskets, papers, mail, and such......even though it means passing the Disney videos to the Goodwill box.
it's washing cars in the evening so we can cool off and have water fights.
it's having a crazy expensive electric bill and a constantly running a/c.
it's Angels baseball, the Tour de France, and Irvine Chargers football (eight more days 'til it starts)!

What does summer mean to you...........

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I think of all those same things!!!