Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let's call this post Fifth Grade, Third Time Around
I remember very little about fifth grade. I remember I had Mrs. Kleppner. I remember that I did my first social studies/fair project on the Pyramids at Giza and the horrible time my Dad had cutting the triangles so they would fit together properly. I remember fifth grade was hard; reading comprehension issues made every subject a challenge from word problems in math to class speed reading with a little machine thingie on the board. I always failed those reading this/answer questions sections b/c I could NEVER keep up much less comprehend what was going on. Somehow I managed b/c my Mom wasn't one to help me with school work. If my brother couldn't help me with math, I was screwed. (THANK YOU Dale for being a good brother!)

The state standards are getting pushed into younger age brackets; they are doing some pre-algebra stuff as far as I'm concerned. Here in CA, 5th grade is hard too. Maggie made it through 5th grade well enough. And here we go again - Sean is in 5th grade. His teacher is awesome and a guru about organization and responsibility. Sean gets the pre-algebra stuff and seems to 'get' math overall. (thank goodness!) BUT (you knew there was a but!) he struggles with reading comprehension as I once did. So I'm delving into US History once again. I'm learning that I certainly didn't truly learn a lot OR I've forgotten a ton (I'll wager a little of both, but I did remember the capital of Kansas!). Sean has his first history chapter test tomorrow. We've been going over his study guides, re-reading the chapter and reviewing vocabulary. He is allowed a notes page so I'm typing it for him. There is such a fine line between feeling like I'm doing too much and letting him handle it on his own. I'm just not one of those sink-or-swim kind of Moms I guess. (I had one of those.) He can sit in the pool and tread water forever but he can't learn to butterfly if he isn't helped along. kwim? I absolutely WILL NOT do the work for my children (book reports, dioramas, science fair projects, etc.) but I feel like it's my job to guide them and help them along. He has studied and written out his notes page but I offered to type it for him so he will have it more clearly written. He told me how he wants it laid-out and how to outline stuff. All I'm doing is typing it b/c he has sports commitments.

So tell me, is typing it for him wrong? It's a notes paper. It's not a state project that he has worked on for six weeks and was expected to type himself. He has studied; he has written notes. I sat with him and went over the chapter/sections to make sure he got the BIG PICTURE. ( he tends to have a hard time analyzing stuff)

Am I fretting over this because my Mom didn't do a thing for me academically? (especially as I struggled to even tread water sometimes) She didn't go to parent teacher conferences, ferpetesake.

I am untying some apron strings with Maggie now in middle school. I'm letting her spread her wings (even if they need to be clipped a little). I want my kids to be confident learners so I will continue to guide them academically.


Jen Muhlenbruck said...

I think it's not bad that you're typing it for him. You're an awesome mom you know. You rock. xoxxox

Jen Muhlenbruck said...

OMG, that was a HORRIBLE sentence. LMAO. I do not think it's bad. LOL.

Heather said...

I think you are a great mom. Typing it up for him as he specified is perfectly acceptable, you are not crossing the line, you are being a good mom.

Kim said...

The school is always telling me not to 'rescue' the kids. But I don't believe forgetting gym clothes should be able to lower your High School GPA. That's why kids have Mom's.

The Foil Hat said...

What everyone else said.

If he wrote out what he wants you to type, you're not doing anything for him but saving him time and getting him some time to sleep. NOW, if you were making the notes and typing them up, that's a whole 'nother story. You're fine, Joy! Just think, you only have to pass 5th grade one more time. LOLOL