Monday, April 18, 2011's really happening. We are officially moving. Back to our old neighborhood,  it's only about a mile and a WHOLE different ballgame of packing since we aren't going across the country (yet!). It's a good thing; I try to keep telling myself that but the thought of moving in nine days just makes me want to barf as I look around at the chaos. We held a huge garage sale (the picture doesn't even capture all of it) and we were able to get rid of some things. Since then I've hauled two van loads to Goodwill also. We are moving from 2900sqft down to 1500sqft. It will be cozy (don't laugh; just let me pretend!) and I'm thrilled about removing the chore of vacuuming stairs from my list! I'm not sure how the girls will do with sharing a room, but we'll get it figured out eventually.

This week is Spring Break for us. Right now that means them arguing over the television and the SceneIt Disney game and I am online pretending that the house will pack itself. I'm hoping to make an adventure up to the Ronald Reagan library to aid Sean in a school project; catch the Disney movie African Cats; and maybe hit the beach if it's warm enough. Oh.....and the girls are auditioning for Oliver. (I want to but I know my limitations; just say No to another commitment). Did you notice that packing isn't at the top of my list? Someone send fairies; I just want to take a nap.

(he is crashed out for real; I did catch him before he slid off completely)


Sandee said...

Glad the garage sale went well. I was thinking about crashing your house for Easter since the kids are going to their dads for the long weekend, but you have enough to do without entertaining me. The kids and I will come visit once you are settled!

Nicole said...

That is one of the best sleeping pics ever of Ian! He used to fall asleep all the time on the couch, but that one is awesome!