Saturday, September 17, 2011

So, it took four days of working for me to get the flu. Lovely. Just that morning we were discussing the free flu shots we are going have available in October. I think I jinxed myself. Finally feeling almost 100% on day four. Ugh.

School is going well. No one is in tears just yet so I'll call it good.

Amanda is turning 10 soon and wants a Baby Alive for her birthday. She still has that little kid innocence and doesn't care what anyone thinks. Some might call it immature but I'll take it. She's my most independent kid so she can be mature when she needs to be. They have such a short period of time to be innocent and imaginative play goes away too fast.

Sean is still on full restriction from physical activity until mid-November when he gets his next xrays. At home he is mostly OK but at school not doing recess or lunch play is a HUGE  bummer. I can't say that I miss hustling to the practices and being committed to games, but I know he misses it like crazy. Hoping to get out and support some Irvine Chargers friends today if I'm feeling better.

The girls are in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown right now at MTV. It opens this weekend and it looks to be a crazy cute show. Is it bad that I can still sing half of the Book Report song b/c I was Shroeder in high school? and I still remember ALMOST breaking character b/c Ms. Girlie Breaux was laughing at me so hysterically. Don't answer that.

Moving on with this cloudy Saturday where it feels like Fall, but I know it will be 90* by mid-week.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

First Day of School for 2011-12 (even for me/ heading back to work)
Ian really isn't cross-eyed; he's just a clown! The kids humored me for about 30 seconds and then were DYING to get to campus to see their friends. (well, Maggie was sleeping b/c 8th grade starts tomorrow)

Sean was dropped off first because who needs Mom in 6th grade. He quickly found his friends and allowed one picture before I got a fist bump and wandered to find Amanda. He has Ms. Hager and he thinks she's pretty nice especially since she walks around her room with her shoes off. (Maggie had her too so I'm happy too)

Amanda was thrilled to officially be an 'upper grader'/4th grade. She was waiting patiently and I was able to snag an undetected picture of her meeting Mrs. Rahmann.
Then I continued on to Ian; where he was patiently waiting at his classroom with everyone else on the planet. (Geeze.....our campus has grown from 450 students to 750 students; it's only three years old and almost to capacity while the parking lot/ adjacent park/ and every street was overflowing.) He is so go-with-the-flow and knew that I would be right there once the upper graders were settled because this year they start earlier than lower grades. He happily obliged me with more photos b/c they would show off his mohawk.
Mrs. Lee gets the pleasure of his company this year for 2nd grade. He is smart, loving, and friendly but he can sure be silly too. Upon getting into the van, he proudly announced that he has a girlfriend! He clearly explained that he went up to S (his crush from last year!) and asked her to be his girlfriend and she said YES. He was beaming and said he couldn't find her to sit and eat lunch with her but played with her at the playground.

My day..............well, I LOVE MY JOB and my co-workers are the best. They always give me nice compliments and make me feel appreciated. The first graders were a bit doe-eyed and overwhelmed but I think everyone survived w/o crying or melting in the heat. And the perfect end to my day - NFL KICKOFF with the Saints and a bowl of red beans and rice!

Monday, September 05, 2011


For me, September and the start of school is much like nesting and preparing for a new child. Here's how the last few days have played out:
1) All the laundry is done and put away. Just like when you have a new baby, you want the gowns, onesies, blankets, and sleepers all ready. We have the hampers empty but baby laundry smells much sweeter.

2) I have meals planned for the next two weeks. Today I'll have all the ingredients and then will happily only need to refill milk, bread, and fresh fruit (and likely school lunch snacks). Prepping for a new baby usually involves double-batching so I can have a freezer stash but this time I won't have people bringing me meals so I'll be happy with meal planning and knowing the answer to the 'what's for dinner?' questions.

3) Fresh school know the requires a lot of supplies like scissors, glue, pencils, paper, backpack and more just like a baby requires LOADS o' stuff (diapers, wipes, bath soap, stroller, etc.). Two things I love the smell of --a fresh box of crayons and a fresh bathed baby.

4) New shoes and clothes........need I say more?

5) Organizing and de-cluttering -- we have been through clothes and have yet another load for Goodwill. Just yesterday I sorted three boxes of random stuff that was tossed in boxes from the move. It parallels to all the things an expectant Mom feels she HAS to get done.

6) And lastly, all the random chores that have been on the list of things to do that I'm getting done knowing that 'going-back-to-work' is staring me in the grooming (check: Collin did it!), call for bulk trash pickup for old loveseat, and call the insurance company yet again.

Summer has zoomed by; we spent much time at the pool, a few days at the beach, and squeezed in two short weekend adventures. It had it's draggy moments and now the anticipation is building. Here comes 8th, 6th, 4th, and 2nd grades whether we are ready or not.

Even though there isn't a CHANCE ON THIS PLANET that a new baby is gonna join our family, I'll love on the littles that friends have (Laura!) and enjoy my restful uninterrupted sleep.