Monday, September 05, 2011


For me, September and the start of school is much like nesting and preparing for a new child. Here's how the last few days have played out:
1) All the laundry is done and put away. Just like when you have a new baby, you want the gowns, onesies, blankets, and sleepers all ready. We have the hampers empty but baby laundry smells much sweeter.

2) I have meals planned for the next two weeks. Today I'll have all the ingredients and then will happily only need to refill milk, bread, and fresh fruit (and likely school lunch snacks). Prepping for a new baby usually involves double-batching so I can have a freezer stash but this time I won't have people bringing me meals so I'll be happy with meal planning and knowing the answer to the 'what's for dinner?' questions.

3) Fresh school know the requires a lot of supplies like scissors, glue, pencils, paper, backpack and more just like a baby requires LOADS o' stuff (diapers, wipes, bath soap, stroller, etc.). Two things I love the smell of --a fresh box of crayons and a fresh bathed baby.

4) New shoes and clothes........need I say more?

5) Organizing and de-cluttering -- we have been through clothes and have yet another load for Goodwill. Just yesterday I sorted three boxes of random stuff that was tossed in boxes from the move. It parallels to all the things an expectant Mom feels she HAS to get done.

6) And lastly, all the random chores that have been on the list of things to do that I'm getting done knowing that 'going-back-to-work' is staring me in the grooming (check: Collin did it!), call for bulk trash pickup for old loveseat, and call the insurance company yet again.

Summer has zoomed by; we spent much time at the pool, a few days at the beach, and squeezed in two short weekend adventures. It had it's draggy moments and now the anticipation is building. Here comes 8th, 6th, 4th, and 2nd grades whether we are ready or not.

Even though there isn't a CHANCE ON THIS PLANET that a new baby is gonna join our family, I'll love on the littles that friends have (Laura!) and enjoy my restful uninterrupted sleep.

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