Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Morning Musings.......
I LOVE Thanksgiving.......the cooking and preparation, the scents around all the comfort food, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, football on the television, the crafts the kids make to decorate the table, the crisp weather and most of all the gathering of family and friends taking time away from the craziness of life to remember how blessed and thankful we are. It's probably my favorite holiday.

Yesterday day I made the cranberry relish, the pecan pie, and Grandma Hall 5-cup salad (but it's 10-cup for us b/c the kids LOVE it). Ian cut all of the celery for the stuffing and assembled it with Collin last night. This morning I'm prepping the green bean casserole, baked corn, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and baking a pumpkin pie. I am queen of the oven; that's because Collin is frying the turkey this year. With recent oven issues (and not even knowing if we were going to be able to use it) along with its small size, he decided to attempt frying the turkey this year. So, Pepperidge Farm gravy it is. (shhhh, don't tell his mother)

Another part of the day I enjoy is checking out the Black Friday sales. I have a short list of things left to get so I'll see if there are any MUST HAVES that I don't want to miss out on. Midnight is SO MUCH better for me than 5am :) But I refuse to fight with insane people over things like TVs we don't need or the latest Wii game. I don't mind the spot at the far end of the parking lot, the long lines, or the crowds. It's all a mind set......savoring in the holiday sales b/c it's the HOLIDAYS. Merry Christmas, folks. If someone tries to lose their marbles on me, I just smile and nod and wish them a Merry Christmas. It usually shuts them right up! It reminds them of what the season is truly about.

And, last but not least, let the Christmas decorating begin. Clark, aka Collin, usually starts tomorrow. Being in a rental this year, our house is MUCH smaller, but I'm sure he'll do his best to win the neighborhood decorating contest. (He's been trimming the front tree for weeks to make sure the lights will be seen, lol)

And with all the festivities DO NOT think I'm straying from the Game On! challenge. I'm taking ONE meal off today and then going to take Friday or Sat. as my food day-off so I can enjoy leftovers and maybe even some movie popcorn. I think I'll even exercise this evening to make sure I work off those extra carbs. (what is wrong with me?)

Off to cook in my pjs :)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I enjoyed your musings! I too love Thanksgiving, but I have found that I prefer it at my house even though it makes a mess and I have to cook and clean all day. It was great at Adam and Mar's and we had lots of yummy food. It was also easier to to stay Game On! when I didn't have to be the one cooking :)