Saturday, December 31, 2011

So, it's New Year's Eve. Bleh. I'm not a huge fan. I just don't get it. I don't want to go to a crowded restaurant and pay extra for mediocre food and drink specials that I don't even drink. I don't want to go to a bar and have it be overcrowded with people who are drinking heavily just because they have an excuse. And then, they aren't necessarily responsible about having a designated driver either.

Add to that.....Collin works on New Year's Eve. So it's just me and the kids. I could TRY to get a sitter but going to hang at a bar while your husband works isn't super fun either. In the past I have traveled to visit friends, but having just returned from Ohio and the thought of returning back to work so soon (Tuesday!.....thought we had extra time last year?) kind of squelched the idea of driving 1,000 miles.

Don't get me wrong --- I am ready to be D.O.N.E. with 2011. It has been very stress-filled and exhausting. It's had it's highlights but mostly it's been about trying to keep our heads above water in this sucky economy; trying to make ends meet. I lost two Aunts in the last few months. Our sweet cat 16 yr. old Shasta mysteriously disappeared and I just like to think that she got out of the house and went to die in peace. It's difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes. But in reality, as hard as I'd like to think we've had it, MANY people have had it worse.
  • My friend Audrey and her family lost EVERYTHING in a house fire. They all survived and with a lot of hardwork and patience, they are home again.
  • Ashton Sweet, a local Irvine teen and friend, was killed in a car accident. My friends, Janet and Julie, both lost close friends of their families.....all TEENAGERS. My heart just breaks for the families that have to deal with such tragedies.
I need to learn to count my blessings and appreciate what I do have: I have a husband who works hard for our family, I have four healthy children, I have a job (that I love), and I have a home to live in. So, as I attempt to have a quiet NYE at home with the kids [note: I said quiet/ even playing games isn't quiet!] eating finger foods and hanging out, I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Here's to 2012! May it bring you good health and happines.

(And maybe a few more blog posts from me.)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I love to cook and bake! I post assorted pictures on facebook and occasionally someone will ask me for a recipe. I often cook from scratch and tweek recipes but I am a good recipe follower (I use my red Betty Crocker one a ton) and I search online occasionally mostly using I love Southern Living and Cooking Light magazine too but this recipe for Golden Caramel Cheesecake Bars literally came out of my grocery store's coupon mailer magazine. Looks like it's sponsored by Kraft.

So now that I've given proper credit and I'm not claiming this as my own, here's the recipe:
24 Golden Oreo cookies, divided
2 Tbsp., butter or margarine, melted
25 Kraft Caramels
1 Tbsp. water
2 pkg. (8oz. each) of Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened
1 jar (7 oz.) Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Creme
1 egg

Preheat: oven to 350*. Place 14 of the cookies in a food processor container; cover. Process until finely crushed. Mix with butter; press firmly onto bottom of 9-inch square baking pan. Bake 10min. or until golden brown. Cool 10min.
Place caramels and water in micro. bowl. Microwave on HIGH 1 min. or until caramels are completely melted; stirring every 30 sec. Set aside. Coarsely chop remaining 10 cookies. Beat cream cheese and marshmallow creme in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs; mix well. Stir in chopped cookies; pour over crust. Drop spoonfuls of the caramel mixture over batter; swirl with knife for marble effect.
Bake for 20 to 25 min. or until center is set. Cool completely. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Cut into 20 bars. Store in tightly covered container in refridgerator.

(note: I used store brand cream cheese and it worked just fine)  :)
SO DELICIOUS and super rich!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A LOVE Thursday post (a few minutes early)
Ten Thirteen days ago when I posted about Christmas pictures it wasn't my intention to disappear again. Life is busy as usual, but you add in the insanity of shopping, stealth gift wrapping, end of semester school projects and a couple of holiday concerts in there and you get MADNESS. But I'm not complaining, really, for once I'm not! Because it also means Christmas goodies........ Last night started it - homemade fudge. And then today it was two kinds of Chex Mix, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter blossom cookies, and cornflake candy. Another batch of fudge was on the agenda until I realized I was out of baking chocolate. I'm also planning to make some golden cheesecake bars for a gathering with friends on Sat. night. What is your favorite holiday cookie/treat/specialty? I'm always up for making something new.

The kids are treasuring every morsel of their Advent calendars from Trader Joe's. Who doesn't like to start their day with a bit of chocolate? They are keeping a close inventory of my late night wrapping sessions and can quickly tell me if something has been added under the tree and which family member it's for. In some ways it sucks the fun out of it when they make the tree all messy and desheveled and then argue about what was added? and why does he/she have more than I do? nonsense. I know they are 'just being kids' but for all the goodness in the world make them stop arguing about. Next year I am using a mystery number system that only I will know about. They might mess up the pretty presents but I will still hold the cards. Muhahahaha.

We've watched Rudolph (my childhood favorite!) and several versions of A Christmas Carol so far but have yet to see National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I can't believe it's taken this long but it WILL happen. And no Christmas would be complete without It's A Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas everyone.......

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Dagnabit! I meant to post last night so I could have five posts in November; that would be some sort of record for me. But alas, here I am a day late and a dollar short.
It's that time of year......time for Christmas pictures!!!! Here's a little preview of our photo taking adventure. (photos taken by my friend Sandee)

The kids had a blast climbing the trees and Fritz couldn't have been happier with chasing leaves in the wind. It was fun until we melted in the 80* heat. The boys had their shirts off before we even got home. (at least I know they can clean up for a few minutes of picture taking)

Christmas cards ordered, check!