Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Trying to avoid getting stepped on by the horse

This exercise thing is really the bane of my existence (well bills are too, but that is another story). Why is it that I can exercise on a strong, consistent basis for 5 weeks and then I fall off the horse? I thought three weeks was the time to create a habit?

I think part of my problem is that I simply don't like it. I know - wah, wah, wah! A lot of people I know start off not liking it and then learn to love it; why can't that be me???? Even when I was exercising regularly (because IT'S GOOD FOR ME and I NEED TO LOSE A FEW POUNDS), I didn't learn to love it. I love how I feel when I am done - that is it! And I love the feeling I had at the end of the Hot Chocolate 5k - knowing that I had run the whole time without stopping. But it took every fiber of my being to self-talk myself into moving forward and not walking.....can you hear me 'stay at your own pace' 'ignore the people passing you' 'just run to the street sign' 'oh, that wasn't so bad now run until you pass the dude in the blue shirt who is walking'; 'look, you passed him now run to the signal'; 'say Thank You to the police officer, now pick another sign to pass'; 'you are more than half-way done don't quit now'; 'this is the farthest you have ever run, don't quit now'; 'a hill? are you kidding me?'; 'why is my left foot completely numb?'; 'almost there, don't stop or you will be so mad'; 'oh look, there is the finish -- sprint to get a better time!'....my race in a nutshell. Am I the only person who thinks this way?

And I am certainly not one to spring out of bed in the morning to hit the road or the gym -- I tried, I really tried. I joined a Saturday morning group and did it at 7am for a few weeks. It was freezing cold and miserable; I like the company but that was it. I like sleep and my bed much better. I'm not going to lie and pretend. And my family will attest that I am not a morning person. We all have our limitations. So, I will have to figure out a better way.

A better way currently is mostly with diet - I am averaging one soda per week (if that), fast food once a month, and I have given up chocolate for Lent. I am bringing snacks/lunch for days when I work to avoid getting any junk (I really do eat an apple a day!). I have even cut back significantly on the amount of gluten I was consuming; just finding some alternatives feels better. More water; lots of fresh fruits and veggies; avoiding processed. Trying to make it a lifestyle change not a diet per se. BUT still have to figure out this exercise thing.

Currently, I am finding inspiration from outside sources (shout out to Audrey Percival, Jennifer Smith, and OneFitWidow). Everyone has their own obstacles and goals but these ladies continue to find a way to be better. I am inspired to be better. Now I just have to find that fire within.

So, back on the horse I go -- got 2.2 miles in with 20 jjacks, 20 sit-ups, 30sec. plank, 10 wall push-ups, some arms with mini-weights and a 30 sec. wall sit....better than a sharp stick in the eye, I guess. Or, in the spirit of this post, better than a swift kick in the head from a horse.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Figuring it out one chore at a time

Like many Moms I know, I often hear 'I don't know how you do it.' Truth be told, I really don't know either. There are some days were I feel like I have it all together and I can conquer or embrace the obstacles in my way. However, there are many days were I feel like my head is underwater and I am happy if I get everyone where they need to be on time much less fed and happy. I think the key to those all together days are the ones with a plan --dinner meal is planned so I know what to thaw the day before; a plan/schedule about who needs to be where and when; a plan about what errands to run/ am I working that day/ is it a volunteer at school day; etc. But where does that leave the housework/chores?

Over the years, we have had many charts, routines, rotations, etc. regarding chores. Nothing has really stuck. As the kids grew older (and busier) I let more and more things slide to being 'my job'. It was easier to just do it myself (and not be a martyr, thanks Flylady) -- that way it got done; done the way I wanted it done; and I didn't have to constantly nag about it. And, yep, you guessed it. Everyone got used to me doing it all with minimal help from them. It was a madness that I created and contributed to. Well, I have come to my senses!!!! There has to be a better way....a way where everyone can contribute; do a good job; and I become a more sane 'all together' person.

Cue a new chore system:
Thanks to my amazing friend, Kelda I was motivated to figure out what to put on the lists and how to organize it. With six kids (my four + two extra teens), it was easy to spread the chores to a minimal amount for each person daily while getting it all done. For examples, today Maggie had to empty the main kitchen trash (&replace the bag) and feed Fritz (&fresh water); Ian had to wipe the boys' bathroom counter & sink and empty the daily recyclables from the pantry to the big bin.......all stuff I have been doing. Everyone did their chores and no one complained! Yes, I know it is new but everyone seems happy about the way it all separated out so I will be happy and hope for the best. Even though I did help finish the kitchen and wipe the counters/stove (because no one had that job today), it was a refreshing change instead of them scattering like cockroaches when I ask for a volunteer to load the dishwasher.
So, for today, I feel 'all together'. It's been a good day. And even though I have a cake baked and ready for icing, tomorrow I don't think I will be 'all together.' My heart is breaking because my baby will be 10; no more single digits.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ahhhh, the sweet sound of rain

I have always loved the rain....especially if I can stay home under a blanket and just enjoy it. Add a great book and a hot cup of coffee and that is bonus. Maybe even pjs and slippers? scrapbooking? You get the drift. Right now, dinner is rolling; a crackling fire is burning; music is on; and I am uploading pics. While it rains, rains, rains. Ahhh!

Since I am uploading recent pics I thought I would share a few:
Mag got a medal for her UIL solo

Sean turned 14

my god-daughter is getting married at the end of April; her New Orleans bridal shower was last week (her fiance, Mike, is from Chalmette - they met in Witchita, crazy, huh?)

the French Quarter on a beautiful 'spring' day 
(this guy was right outside the Cathedral and he was mesmerizing)

There were many days were I stepped off the school bus into a torrential downpour and there was nothing more awesome than heading home to warm clothes and the sound of thunder rolling outside. I am hoping Sean and his friends who are out playing football in this downpour are creating fond memories. A warm dinner will hopefully add to his day. Fritz, however, is not fond of the rain or thunder and needs a Thundershirt.

Monday, March 03, 2014

March means spring right?

One of the reasons I was excited about moving to Texas was to experience more of a change of season. SoCal is beautiful but there is something to be said for seasons. Feeling the cool crisp air as fall settles in, to wear coats and gloves in winter because they are necessary, to hear the birds chirping and geese on the pond as spring nears.....it is refreshing. The stifling heat in summer isn't necessarily refreshing but makes you really appreciate the other weather.

One thing I hadn't thought about was school closures because of weather. I grew up in hurricane country so unless the storm was approaching we went to school. I have vivid memories of the parents lined up with umbrellas as we got off the bus in torrential downpours. Cancelling school wasn't something they did very often, if ever. Today the kids have their third weather day school closure of the school year. Because of ice.....not much in reality, but ice. Two days ago it was close to 80*. In 24 hours, we had heavy ice/sleet with thunder and about 15*. Crazy! It is March right?

So with the crazy weather keeping us in, yesterday I made a birthday cake for a sweet 17 girl; some banana chocolate chip bread; played a game of Monopoly (didn't stand a chance against Collin as usual); and got the March meal plan done. But the kids are home today too. I have work scheduled; groceries to get; laundry to finish....and they are home. I need to get stuff done - ice or not. So while they lounge in their pjs, I will march on.

March on with hope that this is the last of Texas winter and spring is right around the corner.