Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Color me aggravated

According to Flylady, it's anti-procrastination day. Ok, I'll bite. That exercise that I procrastinated doing by an extra hour actually DID get done so that was bonus calories burned on a draggy morning. I'm not going to complain about that. of 2:35 this afternoon I am beyond aggravated.

I tried to be productive. I really did. I was going to check GET A TEXAS DRIVER'S LICENSE off my list. Keyword - WAS. I completed my online forms, printed them out, and gathered up the other random papers (this includes my CA license, my ss card, my birth cert., a city bill showing my current address). Armed with my charged Nook, I was ready to be there for hours. I was going to be productive.

I get there to find out "you don't have what you need". What? Pre-completed forms and FOUR forms of identification. Nope, not good enough. Apparently, I need my marriage license AND another form of proof of residence. I'm not even kidding. Can you see the stream coming out of my ears? (and this doesn't even include car registration; that's a completely different office within your own county, oooookkkkkk)

So, that 42 mile trek was all for nothing. Sigh. (at least I get decent priced gas with my Kroger discount) And then I get home to read THIS in the brochure "Unless you are surrendering a valid, unexpired out-of-state driver license, you must be able to show you have lived in Texas for at least 30 days prior to application."  HUH?? I was there planning to surrender my CA license and I had proof of residency. I am either stupid or confused. Why couldn't I wait in line today?........steam.....

STILL determined to be able to check something off my list of random things to do I grabbed the phone and decided to make a dentist appt. for the kids and a physical appt. for myself. The kids are scheduled for Saturday and I'm set for Friday afternoon. Yeah, for being able to mark TWO things off the list!!!!! comes the but.......WHY do I have to provide every drop of personal information over the phone JUST to get an appointment? I know we are first time patients and all that; I know there will be a gazillion forms. So, why does scheduling an appt. take at least a 10 min. phone call. It seems like a lot of people spend a lot of time doing work twice and this is one of those situations, ugh.

And, on another note, key people in the IRS can simply plead the fifth. Is it really that simple? To hide and get out of a scandal, you can just plead the fifth or say "I don't remember." Many so-called leaders of this country are NOT leaders, they are cowards. Dishonest cowards.

And, my scale still hasn't budged.

BUT, my anti-procrastination day was a success with two small things marked off the list. And I'm off to mark off two more things ----finish emptying the bathroom box of random stuff and watch 'Ellen' with the kids because she makes me laugh and my frustration will go away.

You WILL NOT get the best of me Texas DMV; well, at least maybe not until next week.

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