Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sharing a day; it's all good (mostly)

Happy Birthday to the girl who made me a Mom 15 years ago......
My Maggie.....with beautiful blonde hair and striking blue eyes (and cute clothes from H&M, not A&F), she came into this world with a strong voice that she still uses to this day. I'm proud of her talents in singing, dance, drama, and band. She is a performing arts 'nerd' (her words) and pretty much a mini-me (she's way better than I ever was). She loves learning to cook too.
She is my guinea pig at this Mom gig. Poor soul. She challenges me a lot (especially when she challenged me to this piggy back shot)
but overall she is a great kid who makes friends easily, is trustworthy, and knows what modesty means. She is most happy when listening to show tunes and eating carbs (my kind o' gal). I love her to pieces even when she thinks I don't. (If you are reading this Mag, get off your phone and clean your room for 15 min. :))
This Mother's Day reminds me of the blessings I do have in my children:
Amanda is fiercely independent, nurturing, and a hard worker. She has a soft heart for babies and animals. (now if she had such a soft heart with her siblings) She said she wants to be a nurse or physical therapist for kids in rehab "like she had." She makes me proud.

and these two turkeys boys bring me such joy and anxiety all wrapped into one. For those interested, yes - Sean is really that much taller than me now and Ian is doing his best to keep up (note the on-the-toes pose). Someone once told me that 'boys adore their Daddy, but hold their Mom's heart' (or something like that). It is absolutely true. I love my girls but these boys melt my heart like no other. And geez, can they smell like no other.
And this little guy, I love him too. He and Ian happily greeted me with coffee in bed so I can't complain.

These flowers are sprucing up my kitchen nicely. So I'm not gonna complain about those either.
But, you will hear me complaining loudly if I have to clean up the dinner dishes like I did the breakfast ones. (give me credit, I lasted five hours and when they didn't get touched I got a tad witchy.) 
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms I make a difference everyday even if it doesn't seem like it! I hope everyone has time to reflect on the blessing(s) in their lives and has a few moments of peace. Because, let's be real, the laundry that isn't getting done today will still be staring at us tomorrow.


The Foil Hat said...

Happy Mother's Day, Joy!!!! Happy Birthday, Maggie! Is a learner's permit in her immediate future?

Joy H said...

yes, Amy.....isn't that frightening.