Friday, December 22, 2006

You are a scrooge if you don't laugh:

Sean --

Maggie --

Amanda --

Ian --

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Houston, we have a problem!

Poor little Ian just can't seem to get a decent nap in during the 'normal hours' of the day b/c we are at the height of holiday madness/school parties/etc. Recently he has taken to zonking OUT COLD around 5:30-6pm. (Excuse me.....did you just say 'well keep him up/wake him'? I didn't think so.) We've had pretty good luck SO FAR with putting him in his bed and he sleeps through the night. I'm pretty sure he's growing again b/c he ate TWO pb&j sandwiches yesterday afternoon.

Well, imagine my surprise as I came out from the computer area to discover my dear darling hanging out on the couch at 10:30PM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee, he thinks he just had a four hr. nap. I dozed on the couch until 1AM until I finally decided to move us to the guest bed. He could happily watch TV in there while I attempted to sleep with him. He DID fall asleep at some point but was UP at 5:30AM. ::::yawn::::

Think I'm gonna ask Santa for some sleeping powder, just in case this phase lasts too long.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What to say, what to say. It is true that if you don't blog on a regular basis you forget and then don't blog at all.

Let's see --
1) I need to trudge through laundry so I can pack before they wear the clothes again. We leave on Sunday; Maggie's stuff is pulled out. I'm working toward Ian's stuff, but :::::whine, whine::::: I hate packing for five people. Add to that the need to sort our winter/snow stuff and toss a few pieces of that in. :::: more whining from me:::::

2) We are opening our family gifts this Friday so hopefully the kids will play with the new stuff while dh and I take down the tree. Fire hazard and all that. Don't need a phone call in OH saying our house burned down.

3) We are hoping for snow at Grandma's. Ian is telling everyone he can that he is going to 'go-cart in the snow' so the Winter Warlock best pay central OH a visit. Pray that my box-o-Santa-gifts arrives safely at Grandma's or Santa has some 'splainin to do.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Haven't posted a LOVE Thursday in a while......
This is what you get when after 6yrs. of avoiding ANY sort of character (from Disney to the Chick-Fil-A cow) your oldest child sucks it up and decides to visit Santa b/c her baby brother wants too.

Go post on your blog about LOVE today too.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yesterday was one of my favorites days of the year. It's the day that NBC televises the Ironman World Championships from Kona. I've watched it for many, many years; since before I was even married to a triathlete. It is a celebration of the human spirit and how amazing people can be.

This year it has become even more special. We went to experience the race last year to celebrate our 10th anniversary. We were there when the gun went off at 6AM and were there when the clock struck midnight. Breath-taking doesn't even begin to describe it; insane would also be fitting; right along with inspiring. Now, we even took a break around dinnertime and went back to the hotel for dinner and nap. I had a hard time thinking about all the athletes on the course while I swallowed my fine cuisine. I needed a nap simply from standing in the sun and being a cheerleader all day. Does that explain how out of shape I am?

In 2005, we were blessed to see Faris Al-Sultan and Natasha Bademan finish in 1st and were even more blessed to see 80yo Robert McKey [oldest to ever finish] and Jonathan Blaise, aka Blazeman, finish. That was in 2005 -- 2006 is a whole new race for Blazeman. Stricken with ALS, he is now in a wheelchair. Watching it all unfold on TV was just gut-wrenching. I cry every year, but this year's showing was extraordinary.

I urge you to watch it. I challenge you not to cry.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....
Her treasured 1st Christmas ornament

Birthstone angel from Grandma

Taking a moment to pose

His version of helping

Seriously; wouldn't this be the funniest Christmas card.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Wrong time of year to decide I have to do something about my weight. I'm at my heaviest I have ever been while not being pregnant. I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. I can't stand the thought of having to get dressed everyday. It's that bad. Elastic-waist granny pants from Walmart are my next purchase if I don't get off my butt and do something about it.

I have and will always have a sweet tooth. It's the exact reason I don't bake unless I'm bringing it to someone or the item will be consumed quickly (mostly by other people). The thought of making Christmas cookies with my kids just makes me grumpy. I guess I'll just be happy that I don't work in an office where people bring in holiday snacks constantly.(Amy, I left out the 't' word, lol)

Part of my problem is that I NEED someone to hold me accountable. WeightWatcher meetings would probably be good but I don't want to spend the money every week nor do I want to shuffle Ian weekly to attend them. Many folks can and do lose weight on their own; it doesn't work for me. I need someone pushing me. WHY?

My 1st couple of goals are to start doing sit-ups daily while I watch any nightime TV and to start drinking 64oz. of water a day. That's 2 -32oz. bottles; a healthy amount and easily attainable.

Friday, December 01, 2006

A moment of bliss-
Most days I think I'm not conquering this Mommy job very well. I yell too much; my kids watch too much TV; do I play with them enough; am I providing healthy enough food?; etc., etc. BUT there are moments that make me realize my kids love me perfect or not. They even like some of my little quirks.

My favorite little pajama clad superhero (aka Ian) crashed into the couch and bumped his head. (Apparently he needs some additional superhero training.) Tears aflowing, I scooped him up for some Mommy luvin'. And then one of my quirks I sat there on the cold tile trying to comfort him, I started to sing. It's something I've always done. And it worked. His crying softened and he started to just listen. :*) I've sung to them (as most Moms do) since they were wee newborns. I've always sung to them; often ridiculous made up stuff, but still singing. I don't think I'm great at singing, but I did sing in high school for 4years; I can read music; I can carry a tune. And now, it's something that I see my kids love about me; as part of being their Mom. It's the smallest things that often go unnoticed.

Don't get me wrong -- I won't be singing at their weddings or anything.