Thursday, December 21, 2006

Houston, we have a problem!

Poor little Ian just can't seem to get a decent nap in during the 'normal hours' of the day b/c we are at the height of holiday madness/school parties/etc. Recently he has taken to zonking OUT COLD around 5:30-6pm. (Excuse me.....did you just say 'well keep him up/wake him'? I didn't think so.) We've had pretty good luck SO FAR with putting him in his bed and he sleeps through the night. I'm pretty sure he's growing again b/c he ate TWO pb&j sandwiches yesterday afternoon.

Well, imagine my surprise as I came out from the computer area to discover my dear darling hanging out on the couch at 10:30PM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee, he thinks he just had a four hr. nap. I dozed on the couch until 1AM until I finally decided to move us to the guest bed. He could happily watch TV in there while I attempted to sleep with him. He DID fall asleep at some point but was UP at 5:30AM. ::::yawn::::

Think I'm gonna ask Santa for some sleeping powder, just in case this phase lasts too long.

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