Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What to say, what to say. It is true that if you don't blog on a regular basis you forget and then don't blog at all.

Let's see --
1) I need to trudge through laundry so I can pack before they wear the clothes again. We leave on Sunday; Maggie's stuff is pulled out. I'm working toward Ian's stuff, but :::::whine, whine::::: I hate packing for five people. Add to that the need to sort our winter/snow stuff and toss a few pieces of that in. :::: more whining from me:::::

2) We are opening our family gifts this Friday so hopefully the kids will play with the new stuff while dh and I take down the tree. Fire hazard and all that. Don't need a phone call in OH saying our house burned down.

3) We are hoping for snow at Grandma's. Ian is telling everyone he can that he is going to 'go-cart in the snow' so the Winter Warlock best pay central OH a visit. Pray that my box-o-Santa-gifts arrives safely at Grandma's or Santa has some 'splainin to do.

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