Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yesterday was one of my favorites days of the year. It's the day that NBC televises the Ironman World Championships from Kona. I've watched it for many, many years; since before I was even married to a triathlete. It is a celebration of the human spirit and how amazing people can be.

This year it has become even more special. We went to experience the race last year to celebrate our 10th anniversary. We were there when the gun went off at 6AM and were there when the clock struck midnight. Breath-taking doesn't even begin to describe it; insane would also be fitting; right along with inspiring. Now, we even took a break around dinnertime and went back to the hotel for dinner and nap. I had a hard time thinking about all the athletes on the course while I swallowed my fine cuisine. I needed a nap simply from standing in the sun and being a cheerleader all day. Does that explain how out of shape I am?

In 2005, we were blessed to see Faris Al-Sultan and Natasha Bademan finish in 1st and were even more blessed to see 80yo Robert McKey [oldest to ever finish] and Jonathan Blaise, aka Blazeman, finish. That was in 2005 -- 2006 is a whole new race for Blazeman. Stricken with ALS, he is now in a wheelchair. Watching it all unfold on TV was just gut-wrenching. I cry every year, but this year's showing was extraordinary.

I urge you to watch it. I challenge you not to cry.

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