Friday, January 26, 2007

I pride myself on being pretty healthy and never being sick. My dh says I have the immune system of steel. Well, it's 2007 and I'm not changing diapers anymore; so that means I'm not washing my hands 15times a day. Soooooooo, can you guess what happens next?

Yep --- I have the COLD FROM HELL. I've been wishing it away for about a week; mild annoying cough with an occasional need for a tissue. Well, this morning the cold decided to take charge; grab my lungs; and take hold!!!!!!!! Woke up at 5:30am coughing and DID NOT STOP until I pulled myself out of bed at 7:15. It was bad enough that after dropping my kids at school, I immediately hit Sav-On (without passing Go and collecting $200). Snagged some Mucinex [this is huge for me b/c I despise their commercials] and some cough syrup. I never take medicine. I did today.

I declared today that we would do NOTHING and that included getting Ian dressed. I did manage to keep my children fed, cleaned the kitchen, and did a load of laundry BUT the rest was NOTHING.

Does TV make a great babysitter? Yes, Yes it does.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You did more than I did- I couldn't even get anyone dressed! Ryan ended up staying home from work because I was so worthless! It sucks when the mom is sick! I'm like you - thank goodness and I rarely get it bad....Hopefully we'll both be back to normal next week!