Friday, January 12, 2007

So I sucked it up and finally decided to make a few phone calls that I've been dreading. Mostly b/c they require uninterrupted time and patience to deal with AUTOMATED PHONE SYSTEMS. Kill me now.

I've come to realize that even if I provide my kids with their favorite snack; favorite TV show; and made sure no one needed their butt wiped BEFORE I dial the phone the phone call WILL NOT be uninterrupted. So I just do my best to grab the cordless and walk away from said whining, needy child(ran) while I attempt to deal with an AUTOMATED PHONE SYSTEM.

Now, I'm not talking about the 'for Spanish, press 2' option or the endless 'please listen carefully as our options have changed' scenario. That would be too simple albeit tedious. I'm talking about the AUTOMATED ones; the ones where you have to TALK to a random mysterious computer. My calls usually go something like this:

system: why are you calling?
me: need repair service (child in background: MOM, he hit me!, I mumble 'stop that please; I'm trying to make a phone call')
system: I'm sorry, I didn't understand
me: (UGHHH!) need repair service
system: OK, did you say set up service?
me: NO (random child screams: CAN I HAVE GUM?)
system: I'm sorry, I didn't understand
me: CUSTOMER SERVICE PLEASE (whatever happened to pressing 0 for assistance?)
system: Ok, you want to set up service

ARGH!!!! I usually end up sitting in the bathroom with the door locked so 1) no one can mess up the SYSTEM and 2)no one will ask me to wipe his/her butt b/c I'm occupying that space.


Janet said...

Too funny, Joy!

Nicole said...

Someone should write a sitcom on that one- too funny- only because it happens to me all the time!!!!