Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sing with me now.......think Rocky Horror Picture Show....'there's a light'

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel; the tunnel of mothering tiny children (ironically it's often like Frankenstein's place). This week Ian has decided that he is going to "wake up dry" and is magically over using Pull-ups for sleeping. Yeah!!!! After almost nine years of carrying a diaper bag, now I don't anymore. I simply carry a change of clothes in my car in case of a random accident or spill. He's 95% capable of dressing himself too; if you ignore his mis-matched outfits or his backwards pants he does a fabulous job. Being #4 child, I've gotten over the random stranger looks and just smile with the 'ain't he cute' look.

NOW, I'm not kidding myself. The light is glimmering, but it isn't glaring just yet. I still have kids in car seats; I still tote random snacks if the schedule is going to be tight; I still have to wash straw sipper cups b/c I can't handle random spills.

HOWEVER, I only have one child left who 1)can't tie his own shoes (but he CAN do velcro) and 2) who needs his butt wiped.

I think I'll take a moment to do the Time Warp in celebration!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm glad you re-posted. Thanks for the shout out on my page. I am feeling a little better. No fever, but wicked bad congestion and coughing.