Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Today is just a sad, sad day.
Collin's Grandpa died on Tuesday. After a long 84 yrs. of hardwork, Grandpa Z. fought to the very end but his heart finally gave out. This last year has been a LONG ROAD for Grandma and my MIL. After assorted heart med. adjustments, a perforated ulcer [where he spent 4 weeks in the ICU post-op], rehab. center for recovery, and a broken neck after falling on the walker he was supposed to be using, he wasn't going to give up. All of the medical personnel don't even know how he survived the break much less attempted a recovery. His mind was sharp, but his body had had enough. His quality of life was gone and it was really difficult to see his body slipping to barely 130lbs. Grandpa was one of five siblings and he was the first to leave us. He did make it to his brother's 90th bday celebration before he got really sick last year. What an amazing event that must have been. Collin remembers his Grandpa as being the most hard-working family provider you could imagine......he was the ultimate farmer; a master at mechanics with a passion for rebuilding cars/tractors/etc.; a well-read man who loved to talk about his days on the road as a trucker. Need directions -- Grandpa can tell you how to get there. We're gonna miss him "ey-golly".

Collin rushed out of here to be with his Mom and Grandma. Grandpa's funeral was today. Sept. 26th will remain a hard day for everyone. It's also the day that his Dad died from cancer three years ago. I wouldn't have imagined that my MIL would have to say good-bye to two good men so close together. His Dad's ashes are scattered in Lake Lanier (their favorite camping spot) so there will always be a place in Collin's heart that makes GA home no matter where we live.


Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss, Joy. It does sound like he had a wonderful, exemplary life. (((())))

Nicole said...

I hope Collin made it home safely- I hate funerals! My heart goes out to him- and you!