Sunday, November 04, 2007

Fall back.........sigh............hate it!
I stayed up late b/c I had an extra hour to work on getting the Storybook digital scrapbook ready for Collin (as a surprise). Much to my dismay, my children were up at 6:30am; this MUST not go on.

This day has gone on FOREVER and it's only 5:15PM! It's almost dark outside and dinner is cooking already.



Anonymous said...

ME too!!!!! I nearly put the kids to bed at 7pm because it was already totally dark and seemed so late.

Course today we're not going to get any sun so that's not going to help any. ;)

Nicole said...

My kids have been getting up too early as well, which makes it easy to get to school on time, but they are all worked by 5 pm! I always hate the time change- both ways- spring and fall! It's such a hard thing for little bodies to adjust to!