Saturday, November 10, 2007

So let's talk TURKEY...........I know I owe you some pics. of Halloween but I've been busy.

I love Fall. And it's finally cooling off around here for the most part. Low 70s during the day; 50s at night. Need a jacket/sweatshirt, check. It's all good.

Next week is the 2nd grade 'feast' for Sean so I have volunteered to bring two pumpkin pies (thank you, Costco). Is there anything cuter than little ones doing the Indian/Pilgrim thing? I know it's hokey and in many circles not politically correct, but I don't really care. I've got bigger things to worry about than whether or not someone is offended b/c my kid is sticking some feathers on a paper headband and pretending. But I digress.

I really wanted to talk about FOOD. Fall just brings out the best in food. Lots of soups, stews, and chili. Talk about comfort food. Thanksgiving with ALL the fixins; pumpkin or pecan, I'll have both thanks. I have made banana bread; cinnamon streusel muffins; and pb cookies in the last week.........I don't need the calories, but I do need the scents in my home (a candle just doesn't cut it). Tomorrow I'm making a HUGE batch of crockpot applesauce. WW is not my friend but I'm trying to behave and still attend my weigh-ins to stay away from gaining the dreaded 'holiday 10'. Cookie fest 2007 will start soon; but it's sorta like Christmas music and Christmas decorations, you HAVE to wait until after Thanksgiving.

So, are there any Fall MUST HAVES that you and/or your family enjoy??? I'm looking to expand my horizons so comment away. Just don't ask me how to make an 'un-dry' turkey b/c that's dh's job.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

It all sounds yummy- I love baking int he fall/winter!!!!